NVIDIA 3000 Series Launch & Micro Center FAQ!
@Proteus1776 We didn't receive any today that I can see. I'd have to give you the same answer as above, but hopefully, we'll have some in stock soon!
Are people still camping out or forming early morning lines at Tustin store for 3080??
@RRV43 I haven't seen any camping, but I've heard that there are small lines forming before the store opens in the morning. Not the large lines that we saw at launch, but still 5 or so people to see if we have received any shipments.
Any info on when NJ will restock with 3080s? Thanks!
@MyNameIsYeff Sadly, I have no updates for any of our stores just yet. We're waiting on more inventory. Hopefully, we will have more coming soon, but right now we don't have any stock.
Is there a good way to know about stock ahead of when cards will arrive in store? I live quite far from Tustin Microcenter and I would love to be able to plan out when to go to get one.
If you're not able to make it to the store, my advice would be to keep an eye on our website's stock. From my understanding, we're getting these drop shipped from the manufacturers in some cases, so I can't give you an estimate on when we're due to receive new cards. Hopefully, stock levels will normalize soon!
I might stop into the Cambridge MA store tomorrow morning. Pretty slim odds of coming away with a 3080? Has anyone been able to walk in at store opening and get one over the last week or so?
According to an employee at Denver, they have recieved no 3080s since launch day
getting really frustrated , can't get one anywhere. Over the past few days few popped up newegg I literally refresh every 5 seconds all day, and as soon as i get it in cart, poof its gone again. Are bots still picking these up off sites. There is like zero chance of buying one anywhere. Except ebay, which I'm about to day screw it and just pay stupid price.
troy said:According to an employee at Denver, they have recieved no 3080s since launch day
Does microcenter adjust their website stock availability when they receive a new shipment? I talked to the guys at the Dallas Microcenter and they said to not expect anything for another month.
Yeah I would say its a waste of time to go to the stores at open everyday, doesnt seem like they getting any anytime soon. And frankly, what happened to me on the launch of the 3090, having employees at the denver store having buddies in the line that morning, I wouldn't count on grabbing one even if they do come in. Funny how I was 13th in line, and management came out and guaranteed there was only 12 cards, so we left, to find out that 5 more came in, which 2 of them were msi gaming TRIOS, that the 2 kids who moved up in front of me when I left to become 13/14 in line ( got the trios, that they told me they wanted when they got in line) was BS, they knew about the other 5 cards, and basically screwed everybody who waited, promising there was only 12 cards... oh well..
any updates on tustin 3080 stock? -
Yeah i think i might take a shot and go to the store in NJ sometime this week
I dont belive on the online store because i check it every morning and when there is a new 3080 card added at maybe 6am to 8am its instant out of stock, is it that the employes bought them or what?
@Dylanxm I haven't heard any news on shipments for Tustin. I know we have several in line outside the store at the moment. To my knowledge we haven't received any new inventory just yet.@Cazador503 I'm not sure why stock would be changing like that. What store do you have selected when you see this happen? I'd like to look into it. Also, to answer your question about it possibly being an associate, we're not able to purchase any 3000 series cards at the moment.
Q.) Were Micro Center Associates able to buy the new graphics cards?
A.) As with many high demand products at launch, we put restrictions on employee purchases for the first 30 days so we can get new products into the hands of our loyal customers.
Im at the houston tx microcenter at Rice Ave and it been like that since 3090 launch, new cards in stock added from 6am to 8am and they all just appear out of stock even tho they new in stock, im outside of this microcenter rn but already know whats going to be their answer
How long must we suffer?
My denver store stock does the same thing, shows new cards pop up, but 0 in stock
Done with microcenter. Denver store I was in line this am for 3090 stock, walked in all employees said there were 3, was pumped because I was number 3 in line, then you heard an employee say no only 2, several other employees said they literally saw 3. That employee is holding it. Im so so so done. Twice now I have been screwed by them. Last dollar they will ever get from me.
Hi @troy Sorry to hear about this. I'd like to better understand this, so please expect a DM from me regarding your experience.
@LandShark anything for sharonville microcenter restocks ?
@Lucy I believe they received one 3090 today which was purchased quickly. No 3080s yet that I've seen.
I have noticed that at the St. Louis Park MN Microcenter as well. Each morning, the cards listed as "found" on the website changes. However, none of them are ever "in stock" They are all "Sold Out" before the store even opens. Not sure why the found cards on the website changes for that location and nothing is ever "In stock"?
I second all of these comments about the Houston Location. The past couple of days cards have been added and they just show “sold out”. How are they sold out if they were just added to the site and the store is closed??
@ajlueke Have you stopped by in person at the St. Louis Park location? I cannot justify visiting every day after work (although I have a few times and it's always out of stock).
Thanks for all the info about the way our website is presenting. I'll check with our web team and buyers to see if I can find a reason for it.
Cambridge, MA MC has not received any cards since launch day.
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