NVIDIA 3000 Series Launch & Micro Center FAQ!
Just want to say thank you to the MC staff and LandShark in particular. There are a lot of frustrated gamers out there right now and it's not MC's fault. They are doing the best they can to make the best of a botched launch by nVidia.
Great job guys. -
@Stevej417 I've seen a couple of stores got some in yesterday. Hopefully, we'll start to see more coming quickly!Thanks, @Derbeste! I and the rest of the team are here to help! We're doing our best and I greatly appreciate the compliment.
Website showed 1 in stock at NJ this morning. Maybe there's a chance!
Hello Landshark - first of all, thanks for everything you are doing to help and assist! I posted this in another thread but wanted to bring this to your attention based on my experience I encountered at the North Jersey MC location:
I'm a little disappointed with the NJ Paterson location. This morning - the 3080 TUF series was posted as in-stock and said LIMITED AVAILABILITY. I immediately went to the site to wait in line. There was no signs on the store as to the quantity or what was going on. No manager communication until 9:53 when he came out and said there was only 1 available. I was completely disappointed that I had waiting 1+ hour in line and drove to the location to find out limited availability meant only 1. Also, no signs on the store or any communication from the manager left a lot to be desired. This left a very sour taste in my mouth.
@MyNameIsYeff I saw a comment that mentioned we actually had nearly 40 people outside the store this morning. Sadly, I'd have to say that the 1 in stock is gone now.
LandShark said:@MyNameIsYeff I saw a comment that mentioned we actually had nearly 40 people outside the store this morning. Sadly, I'd have to say that the 1 in stock is gone now.
@Chess3007 Sorry to hear that. I mentioned this earlier, perhaps in another thread, but I'm not sure why it would be listed as "Limited Availability". I've sent a message to see if I can find out why it's been listed that way. Again, my apologies for the way you were made to feel!
@LandShark - really appreciate your quick follow-up and I am curious to find out what the response is if you receive a response. I was hoping for more clear and better communication. I completely understand how challenging this launch is for everyone involved, including Microcenter but messages on the door or coming out sooner to give us an update on what the inventory looks like is all I was hoping for which I don't think is too much to ask considering everything going on, including COVID.
@LandShark My pleasure! And if you ever have a tip about 3080 stock in the Dallas store... I mean... I wouldn't turn it down. LOL
(I know you don't any idea either, but hope and all that. LOL) -
Man, I would love to go to the St Louis Park Store and pick one of these up but it's so volatile. What's the point of checking in the morning for stock when people are lined up outside for days
Anyone know how the Madison Heights store is before opening? Took tomorrow off, so I'm thinking about going a couple hours before opening.
Another card just added but apparently sold out... cool
@Zmazr How was the store this morning?@TheIceRoot What store are you referring to?
@LandShark Houston, Rice location. They added the Asus Tuf card... out of stock.
Ah, I see. So the listing is now visible on the website, but still shows sold out? That would make sense, as we've added the Overclocked version ASUS TUF. I thought you meant that we showed stock and then it was sold out before the store had opened this morning.
So how it works is you add the card to the site it preparation for stock to come to the store?
@TheIceRoot Yes, the product does have to be added to our system in order for us to sell it. That would include our website. I would say that typically, for normal items, this would mean that we're expecting to receive inventory in the next 1-2 weeks. In this case, referencing the new 30-series cards. I'd expect it sooner than later. I could be incorrect, but that's what I've seen to be true in the past.
How many 3080's did Tustin get in the past two days? Are people still lining up prior to opening? Are the lines long?
I'm not sure of the exact count. I was told we had 40+ lined up this morning prior to opening. So, yes, I would consider the lines to be quite long.NVIDIA announced this morning that they would be delaying the launch of the 3070 to October 29th, fingers crossed, that will allow for more inventory to be produced and evenly distributed.
LandShark said:I'm not sure of the exact count. I was told we had 40+ lined up this morning prior to opening. So, yes, I would consider the lines to be quite long.NVIDIA announced this morning that they would be delaying the launch of the 3070 to October 29th, fingers crossed, that will allow for more inventory to be produced and evenly distributed.
Denver got 25 3080s today sold out in minutes!!!
Anyone know how much Tustin got today?
RRV43 said:Anyone know how much Tustin got today?
Dallas has 14 3080’s and 1 3090. 11 or 12 people in line, currently
Any luck at the MN location? I was thinking about driving out to it but I'm not sure if they get deliveries on Saturday.
Can anyone give me any information regarding stock in the NY area? I've been to both stores and called and they say that they hadn't gotten any stock since after launch day where I'm hearing in the rest of the country stores are getting stock almost daily! I don't mind going into the store but I do mind if these stores aren't getting any stock at all and I'm just wasting my time making trips for no reason.
Pooba said:Can anyone give me any information regarding stock in the NY area? I've been to both stores and called and they say that they hadn't gotten any stock since after launch day where I'm hearing in the rest of the country stores are getting stock almost daily! I don't mind going into the store but I do mind if these stores aren't getting any stock at all and I'm just wasting my time making trips for no reason.
Anyone hear anything about the Houston location?
Do stores ever put out / receive stock on Sundays?
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