NVIDIA 3000 Series Launch & Micro Center FAQ!
So sad to see all these people waiting in line over a video card I ordered mine via the EVGA Elite Membership Program and selling it too my brother at the price I paid for it after I bench it. EVGA they did it right.
they should take his card and give it to someone else.
How long are the vouchers that are given to the first few of those who waited in line valid? Do they expire?
traz said:they should take his card and give it to someone else.
A scalper is just taking advantage of what the system is giving them. If there are punishments or detractions for doing this then they would go away or greatly diminish. Don't hate the player hate the game kinda thing. It's unfortunate for those of us that are missing out but way too much anger in here and violence toward them certainly will not help anything.
Sold out.
3090s were all sold out, did any of the stores get 3080s today?
aaaand once again I got no email notifications from amazon, newegg, nvidia or best buy.
ToastBoy said:3090s were all sold out, did any of the stores get 3080s today?
I've seen some comments today about some of our stores getting stock of the 3080s, however, it was a small shipment. Again, sold out within minutes.
I was thinking maybe using something like this would be beneficial for future launches (especially big stores like Tustin). When people arrive they write their name and punch in on two cards. One goes in the filing system, they keep one. Although you'd have to figure out who to let monitor 😂
Any information about NJ Micro Center for the 3080s?
Any info on St. Davids microcenter for 3080s or 3090s?
@Pumpkeymumpkey Interesting idea! I'll share that with our operations team!I haven't heard anything about the stock for NJ or St. Davids today. I'd recommend visiting the store if possible. @ROman @mregypt93
Any word on Brooklyn store stocks?
Anyone got the group photo with Steve in Houston?
@LandShark Thank you! I live fairly far but I may drive to the store. Any idea what stock has been like at the St. Davids store? Like has it been coming in every few days? Best time to visit the store?
@mregypt93 We've been getting the shipments and distributing them as quickly as possible. Typically, I've seen them delivered mid-day but that may vary for your store. If it's a longer drive, I'd recommend waiting, just because the stock is so scarce right now. Most of the time when we get stock, we're sold out in an hour or two. It's pretty crazy. As you know it's a very hot item right now. 😊
LandShark said:@mregypt93 We've been getting the shipments and distributing them as quickly as possible. Typically, I've seen them delivered mid-day but that may vary for your store. If it's a longer drive, I'd recommend waiting, just because the stock is so scarce right now. Most of the time when we get stock, we're sold out in an hour or two. It's pretty crazy. As you know it's a very hot item right now. 😊
For those in Denver, I've hit the store Tuesday and Friday at open and nothing came in for shipment the night before (for the 3080). Looks like I'll be waiting a few weeks to get one.
jmcrae said:For those in Denver, I've hit the store Tuesday and Friday at open and nothing came in for shipment the night before (for the 3080). Looks like I'll be waiting a few weeks to get one.
@LandShark for the Tustin do they get shipments Saturday is it worth coming tomorrow for opening and if they did get shipments mid day would they wait until the next morning to put them out on shelf?
Has there been any update as to whether or not you will carry 3090 Founders Editions at a later time?
Does "SOLD OUT" on the website mean there is no store inventory and it would be pointless to visit the store? Or could the store have stock but not yet updated the website inventory? Point being, should I phone the store 3x a day?
@Christiansalas We are working hard to get these cards in as quickly as possible, and are going above and beyond our normal shipping processes. This means that we're getting shipments frequently and not on a typical schedule. I'd recommend checking the website or in-store.@WillS If previous NVIDIA releases are anything to go by, we'll definitely have the FE later. When we'll be getting those, I'm not sure. I've been told that NVIDIA had to postpone the launch of the 3090 with other retailers due to the limited availability of the card.@RJTCeltics Right now we're at the mercy of the manufacturers but as I mentioned above, we're doing our best to get 3080s as quickly as possible. I'd recommend checking the website or if you're able, check in-store.@ntrg Sold out does typically mean that we've got no inventory. Calling the store number redirects to our corporate call center. They may be able to get a more accurate stock count for you, however, in almost all cases, they would only be able to see the same stock count that you see on the website. As I mentioned above, we're waiting on stock from the manufacturers for the time being. Hopefullyu we'll start to see inventory normalize soon.
How many do you typically get in a shipment, I know it various, but any idea?
@troy Unfortunately, we don't know how many we're getting in each shipment. It's highly dependant on the manufacturers.
Great thank you for the quick response, you do an amazing job of responding to everyone, thank you so much for that!!!!
Thank you for the compliment! Hopefully, we'll have more stock soon!
Any idea when the Microcenter in Tustin, CA will have in-store stock for the 3080? It's over an hour away but I'd really love to get one of these cards.
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