Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
I'm completely new to PC gaming so I'm not really sure if my picks were the best. In all honesty I just want a PC good enough to get me into PC gaming and will last me for the next few years. Here's my build!
-’m getting ready for college and I want to major in something within the computer field. My only problem is I don’t have my own personal pc to practice what I want. I’ve always had a passion for computers and I would love to get the opportunity to finally have my own.
I'm still fairly new to the pc building world, but learning as much as I can via youtube and others in the community. I've been using an old gaming laptop with a 1050ti for a few years now and it has sadly reached its tragic end, so I'm excited to finally build a full fledged pc and not be held back by the 20 frames I get on low settings anymore. -
I love the all white look, so opted for the Lian Li case, the Louis Vuitton of cases, with Lian Li white fans. The budget friendly 5600X packs a punch without breaking the wallet, which I paired with the Asus X570 to keep with the white theme. I prefer all 4 slots of RAM filled for looks, so went with the white Vengeance 4x8GB, since 32GB is perhaps overkill for a strictly gaming build. The ROG Strix 3080 speaks for itself, but I would have opted for a white GIGABYTE card if it were available. A reputable 1TB M.2 card is essential for speedy startup and gaming, and WD has always been good to me. Finally, the Enermax ETS-T50 provides solid, quiet cooling which I paired with only the best Arctic thermal compound.
This is a mid-tier budget friendly build that looks great and will allow you to play any game at Ultra settings ... except Cyberpunk 2077, of course. -
Currently rocking an i5 3570k chugging along on its own ever since my gtx 970 fans died. Been trying to grab a system similar to this for the past month, but as we all know... not an easy task. Thankful that I at least have a local microcenter to visit instead of futiley refreshing webpages.
This build would be for music production as well as for any of my gaming needs moving forward.
Not a dream build but one I could use day to day.
I would but I'm not old enough lol
Massive upgrade from my current dell Optiplex. It is a good balance of performance and streaming. Excellent for 1080p 144hz gaming. It's the best bang for buck pc components out there. -
i chose this built because it is a great pc that can manage to stay efficient for years to come, this is for my girlfriend who would love this so so much. She currently does not have a computer so having one and especially of this caliber, i am sure she would absoloutly adore it and cannot wait for the smile on her face -
This build would be a direct upgrade to my current rig, The only thing missing would be the re-use of my existing 3080. Hopefully would let me squeeze a few more FPS out of 2077 :]
This is my entire i would like to build a white asus rog build this is because I want this to be my first and strongest pc for gaming and content creation I would like to start stream and gaming on twitch but as of right now I am just gaming on a laptop that doesn’t give that many frames the max frames I can get on this laptop is 30fps so with this I can’t really do much so this pc would help me game better and make some content. So if I win I will be very grateful and have a merry Christmas. This is my build
This is my entire i would like to build a white asus rog build this is because I want this to be my first and strongest pc for gaming and content creation I would like to start stream and gaming on twitch but as of right now I am just gaming on a laptop that doesn’t give that many frames the max frames I can get on this laptop is 30fps so with this I can’t really do much so this pc would help me game better and make some content. So if I win I will be very grateful and have a merry Christmas. This is my build
Recently, I've been getting really interested in 3D Modeling (sculpting), but my current PC can't really handle the load due to its low specs. I'd also like to start playing with more demanding games such as Sekiro, Mafia Definitive Edition, just these newer titles. I've only been able to play older games like CSGO, so experiencing a new world of games would be quite nice.
Well I went pretty hard on this build
I love the new Asus Dark Hero motherboard and what better to complement it than a 5900X processor. The Lian Li Uni fans keep the rgb clean and minimal to match the motherboard. The real star of the show here is the Strix 3080. The 3090 is a little too big and more of a "workstation" card in my opinion. This build is beyond 4K ready. 32 GB of G.Skill royal for extra google chrome tabs and classy looks. This motherboard will utilize the WD black 2TB NVME SSD PCIE 4.0 at top tier speeds. Windows should boot immediately. We have a ROG Ryujin 360mm AIO to keep the asus theme rolling. To tie it up we have the ROG 1200W Plat PSU for the best efficiency and all the juice we could need. All of this in a O11D XL for your viewing pleasure. - recently upgraded half my system (CPU, mobo, RAM) and now need the rest to catch up. My GPU is a RX580, so I am long overdue for an upgrade. This would allow me to finally put everything in a new case and have no more bottlenecks! I’ve always had either CPU or GPU bottlenecks as I couldn’t afford a whole system upgrade, so this would really make for a new gaming experience. Best of luck y’all
I chose this build not only to have fun gaming with all my friends and family, but I want to peruse my career choice of game design early on. I’m already one step ahead and I’m working on my computer science degree in high school! This will be a great start for me as I’ll have everything I need to start learning to design.
I just got back into PC gaming recently and my GF wants a battle station of her own so we decided to start building her a computer nothing too fancy just something she can play with me and our friends. Every pay period we are going to go pick up a new piece this weekend we will be starting with a new case and she has one shes already picked out
Oh boy... that's a lotta money. Well it's a wish list for a reason! This would be my dream build. My current PC, struggles with the games I play. I would love to stream, and use my current PC as a streaming PC. That's what the extra ethernet cables are for! I've gone with AMD for all my builds, and for GPU, you literally cannot go wrong with an RTX 3090. I have a habit of never deleting anything, so I need a lot of quick storage also. It would be an INSANE upgrade, and any amount towards this would be amazing. I am in love with the new NZXT water coolers, the screen on the cooler makes for such a clean look. I would love a better monitor, as I've been buying budget monitors since the start of my gaming addiction. I love the clunky G502 mouse despite everyone's criticism. Any amount of money would help an insane amount and would be greatly appreciated.
i chose this part because i want a killer pc that ganna help me become a streamer and that what I want to do as my job.
This build would be a MAJOR upgrade from my current rig. And because I need to recoup some losses from Corsair stock.
I picked my build with the goal in mind of getting what was necessary, barring the accessories and monitor, to run a 3080. I went with Steelseries everything but the mouse because I am a fanboy of the brand but the mice are too small for my hand.
Randomly chose some of the components since the site was taking a while to load. I need to do more work to see what would hold a bigger card. -
I chose this system and parts to build an absolute turbo rig. Best of the best. Full on sweaty. Gaming. Working. 3D printing. Coding. Whatever the case may be, best of the best without flaw. Using the the AMD threadripper to process data from NASA, using two 3090s to project gaming on the 270hz monitor, broadcasting/streaming and projecting on the secondary 270hz monitor, and finally using the 3D printer to build a COVID masks, all simultaneously. The added RGB, OBVIOUSLY adds an extra 22% clock boost, to really help secure top tier performance. The liquid cooling kit should keep this PC running at ultra low temps allowing PC part longevity and performance. This was really fun to build and “spend money that’s not mine”. While laughing along the way, I managed to rack up a piggy bank of 22 thousand dollars. I hope when the team at micro center reads this post and reviews the parts list, gets a chuckle out of it, and has as much fun reading this as I did drafting this and design the mega PC! My current build is an i7 set up with a 2070 that I use for gaming and streaming, for short. Realistically, I would absolutely love to upgrade to an i9 10th gen/motherboard and grab a new 30 series GPU! Thanks for reading. Happy holidays!
Would be amazing to finally get an upgrade from my 5 year old pc. I've been wanting newer pc parts but don't have the funds for it at the moment.
This is the PC that I would build if money was not an object. I'm pretty sure this thing could build and design a rocket ship on it's own to take me to the moon. No peripherals because I have all those already. Pick me, or don't pick me. The timeline is unaffected either way.
Hi my name is Moises and I have been thinking of building a pc. I would want a pc so I can play with my friends more games and have fun. I would also like to stream and make content. I have been struggling with money because my uncle has been paralyzed for 1 year and it’s hard to pay for his treatments. I try to help my family with money but I can’t. If I get a pc I would be really really happy and grateful.
Thank MicroCenter
- the part I picked were from research or recommended. I don’t have a PC but I figured when I get one it’ll be great so I don’t need another one for a while.
This is "My Dream PC Setup" I am a Long Time Hardcore Gamer mostly consisting of Shooters so, Having that Small Edge Matters.
Each part on my list is handpicked for my Dream PC to give me the best experience of Gaming, with Dual 3090's why not?
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