Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
- I’ve been trying to put my pc together for a while but parts have been sold out
Very dark and minimal with the case and internals look wise (really wanted the chromax.Black Noctua, but couldn't find it) with lots of power without going overboard for no reason. Add a touch of bling on the keyboard and mouse with some studio monitors to add some finesse to the otherwise unassuming build.
I would use the money from this for a gaming PC. I have wanted one for years and have not acted on it. I cannot make enough money from mowing lawns every summer for a gaming PC. The closest thing to a computer I have is a Chromebook and the refresh rate is only good enough to do schoolwork on it. I don't even have a desk that is big enough for one and everything together would cost over $1500. I would make my own computer and get the peripherals from amazon or the nearest micro center. -
I chose this because my current pc is dying, and i cant afford a new one. im a struggling artist, avid gamer and overall tech fiend. i never win things like this. so i dont think anything will come from it. but i built it basically with the idea that it will be my forever luck has never turned up but i hope i get to win because it would allow me to at least repair my current one...
Looking to build a beast PC that would be very future proof!
It is so close to my first build I am trying to get but it is so hard to get gpus at this point, I am excited to get the first build since I never had my own pc and excited to spend some time with a friend during quarantine safely through the game during winter break soon! -
I call mine the Enterprise-Z.Ridiculous specs with 64gb of ram and a beefy new Ryzen processor along with a ton of graphic power. Video card to help me with my dream of becoming a game streamer for a living and being able to show my kids you can do what you love and be happy and support yourself and your family.I’d also add some sweet custom stuff like a ST delta badge on the side backlit by the LEDs.
This build would last me for years to come. Obviously a 3080, and the newest Ryzen plus 32 gigs of 3200mhz ram and i could probably play any game on ultra in the next 5-6 years. I really like flight sim so playing MSFS2020 would be such an amazing experience. I'm also a pretty big multitasker to that ram and those ssd's are really gonna help. If only this build wasnt $4000. Of course, I went all out.
Link to build: -
Great for 3d designing and gaming -
Future Proof and Only in My dreams
Reaching for the stars cause the sky is not the limit
Dream system that would be used for streaming and enjoying a premium gaming experience rather than midrange.
- is what I hope to make my first PC build. I’ve been very interested for years yet haven’t had the money too, and if I have, I’ve had something come up and I’ve been unable to spend that money where I’d like. I’m hoping to be able to play games with my friends, as well as enjoy building my first pc. I’ve had many friends recommended I build rather than buy, and I’ve disassembled and rebuilt plenty of pc’s. I’m hoping that I win this comp so I can enjoy a computer for myself. It should also help me with schooling and give me an option for online school other than the 6 year old chromebooks my school hands out.
- Here’s my parts, it’s my dream pc I would love to finally be able to play with friends!
I couldn't find another card that worked because only this one was in stock for some reason. Anyways I would Like a computer like this because I would like to continue streaming and recording. I also am an engineering student using various CAD software's and had to give my pc to my mom because she is remote from work. This would be something good because I'm currently working on a super old laptop that just barely passes. Happy Holidays! -
This build is my dream end-state PC. It's not a list of all the best components in the world, but it is a list of what I would actually need. It's going for a Chrome/Black theme, with a splash of blue (literally) in it as well. I would use this PC for an editing, streaming and gaming rig. Plus, all the custom water cooling would really let me make it my own. Let me know what you think! -
This is my dream build as of right now. (Even though all of us Computer Fanatics have a new dream build every 2 months). It's everything I need plus a little more because I like having the extra power. It would be used for gaming and video editing as well as streaming in the future if I can find the time. Any of the prizes would be a huge help for me to make this. -
I have the other parts for this:
I picked this build, because I do like to run virtual environments and test out scenarios as well as rendering 3D models to print or design with cad. And I do like a little bling. Using an old fx8350 which has aged quite a bit.
If I were to win I would use the money to upgrade my existing system. The parts I picked are more or less what I would look to purchase once I graduate from nursing school and begin working. I really enjoy building PCs and am often asked to put together part lists and computers for family and friends. The parts I have chosen follow a clean white theme with RGB fans and white psu cables which I would swap out for lian li strimer cables. This build also packs enough power to run anything I throw at it at max settings. - Made this build off my sons preferences and it would mean alot of that money could cover up for all the parts.I havent been really able to afford anything for him ive also been sick and havent been talking alot . I dont have the money to buy fancy gaming stuff for him so that money would make both of our days .
-'ve never built a PC before so I wanted something that could play the one game I'm looking forward to, Cyberpunk 2077.
I'm currently running a Ryzen 7 1700 with a RTX 2070. I don't really need a new GPU, but a CPU upgrade would be amazing since I find myself bottlenecked by my current processor in some games, especially at 1080p.
- picked this build because this is exactly what I would do if I had the money. It is not overly expensive, but it still packs a ton of power. You can easily achieve a couple hundred frames in games like CSGO, which I would take advantage of with a 240hz monitor. This would give me a higher competitive edge over the enemy. I really wished their were more cooler options but I found a really nice AIO from cooler master that would fit right into this all power no looks build.
I just chose to build the PC of my dreams, without staring at the price counter. Will I be able to afford this? Never in a hundred years. But it's still nice to dream.
This has a cool gif thingy and good graphics card to push 1440p -
I tried pretty hard to tread the line between realistic build and dreaming: think by the end I failed...Starting with arguably modest R7 5800x and a great quality B550 board, the foundation of this setup has all the basics covered from good VRMs for overclocking to PCIE Gen4. There's not too much RGB, but enough to let people know this computer is probably for fun and not spread sheets.Because I actually have this Motherboard, I know for a fact that G.Skill 3600MHz CL16 Neo kit in this build will effortlessly overclock to 3800MHz and that the Ryzen 5000 series has no issues with a FCLK of 1900MHz to let the memory run in 1:1 ratio with the infinity fabric. Not to mention because this kit is a 2x16GB kit, we get all the advantages of having four memory ranks, as each dimm has two ranks of memory!Most NZXT cases are not known for their cooling potential, and the H510i is no exception. However, what they lack in airflow, they make up for in aesthetics. And perhaps more importantly control. The H510i includes a smart controller for the fans and RGB components. Pairing it with other NZXT parts lets the user see everything going on in their system, which is why I also select an NZXT power supply and Z63 Kraken AIO cooler to help make for that lost cooling potential.Say what you will about Inland, theses drive offer some serious performance for not a whole lot of money. This PCIE Gen4 drive will be our boot drive and take advantage of those epic speeds in the top M.2 slot of our MSI B550. Don't forget to grab some extra storage for all those steam games we have downloaded and will eventually get around to playing. For this, we have a 2TB Seagate 7,200 RPM drive.Now is the part where we stop pretending to hold back. EVGA makes some of the best quality GPUs out there. I went right for the best nVidia RTX 3080 out there, the FTW3 Ultra.And if we're going to have the best GPU, we need a monitor the let it stretch its legs. Enter the Samsung G9. Its ultra-wide aspect ratio has unparalleled immersion and incredible response-times and refresh rate for a 1440p monitor. This is the very expensive cherry on top of the build.Of course we can't forget the rest of the peripherals. A SteelSeries Apex 7 TKL with Cherry Brown switches and a Rival 310 for maximum control over our games.And last but not least, a copy of windows and the venerable, tried and true, Microcenter branded 16Gb flash drive that one always inevitably picks up while they're checking out so that they can install said copy of windows... because of course you were going to pay for a license to windows 10, right?
- nice upgrade that'll play everything for a while without completely killing the bank at 1440p...
lockdown isn't so bad then right? -
This build is a modest gaming that, if not overclocked, won't require liquid cooling. Only the Ram will be overclocked to 3600 and the extra case fans will be enough to vent this system and video card. Even though it's not the most expensive build, benchmarking will still output high FPS and perform exceedingly well for at least 5 years without the need for upgrading CPU/RAM. I definitely need this upgrade, as I'm still running an AMD FX8350 with a GTX1060, but as expected, it lasted 5 years before needing an total-system-upgrade.
I chose this build, because in my mind this almost the fastest pc you could build, except I would prefer Radeon 6800xts, and blocks for them. Otherwise, this is my dream pc.
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