Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
Built this for Gaming and Development work. -
I chose this build because I love gaming and building pcs very very much, I want to take things to the next level by playing professional and I also need a better pc because my monitor is 1440p and 240hz and I definitely can't reach that with my current pc -
I've never owned a PC and I'm switching from console so I picked something that would be able to handle a game like Cyberpunk and also be able to last me along time without having to change much. This is what i selected.
I am Currently working on building a Flight Simulator PC for my dad as that is his dream. My mom currently has COVID and he has been taking care of her non stop. We are both staying home from work and without this pay I probably will not be able to get him it anytime soon. He is the most amazing guy and has always been by my side no matter what. I have already purchased his graphics card so the $1000 gift card will be perfect to finish the build and get him some peripherals! My dad deserves the world because he always puts everyone before himself this would be absolutely perfect for him. Thank you for your time!
Hi all, here's my build. The purpose of my build is to upgrade my scientific computing capabilities. My work focuses on image analysis and single cell tracking. So a nice GPU, and plenty of RAM can really help speed up my research. Current setup is an old fx 8350 with 8gb! This build would definitely be a step up
My build came out too $4587.82 for this contest. This is pretty much the exact machine I'm looking too build. I may decide to go up the the Ryzen 3900xt for a bit more once all is said and done. It's been a while since I have built a new gaming PC, 15yrs to be exact, so I cannot bring nothing from my old build that I last used for gaming in 2012.
I was planning to go Intel until the latest Gen3 Ryzen processors dropped and that changed everything. I put in plenty of storage in this build with some fast ssd's to take advantage of upcoming games and a large platter hdd for cold storage of files and photos etc.
Right now is not the best time for a build due to lack of choice for parts. Demand outstrips supply at the moment. This would be a great start to my build though.
Good luck all and happy holidays.
Nams -
Basically put together as close as I could get to a dream build with room for expansion. Plenty of power and cooling for quiet, cool gaming. Thank you guys for putting on this cool contest!
It's been just short of a decade now since I built my last PC. It's been upgraded a little over time (a 1080 mainly) and it's still chugging along but it's really showing it's age and I'd really love to start anew.
I'd love the case in this build maybe if I won the 1000 I might even go with it but, even as cool as it is, more than likely I'd get a different one, otherwise, this is basically what I want for my next build. -
Here is my custom build/update. My husband and I are both teachers and we recently built computers to better fit the virtual teaching model. Not sure of what I was getting into, I went the conservative route in building for Google platform usage. Now seeing the importance of video editing for lesson engagement, I'd love to upgrade to make my teaching more powerful. Kids are so savvy and are used to strong edits in their youTube and other content platforms.
I think these items might do the trick! (Or they might not...I'm always eager to learn from the staff at Microcenter and take advice/suggestions -
I chose this build because I like the idea of power and portability. I've come to the realization after many years that mid to full tower cases have just too much room! I can do without all of the wasted space. Plus, I like the challange of cable management and performance on a smaller case! -
THE ULTIMATE GAMING MACHINERyzen 5950X - 16 cores of awesome gaming power.X570 Taichi - One of the best motherboards - great for extreme overclocking.Ballistix Gaming RGB 32GB - Great set of rgb ram - 32GB will handle any game thrown at it.Lian Li - PC-O11 Dynamic RGB Razer Edition - Dankest case, perfect for the ULTIMATE GAMER.Seasonic Prime Ultra 850 Watt Power Supply - TITANIUM GRADE power supply, only the best for my system.GeForce RTX 3090 TUF Gaming Overclocked Triple-Fan 24GB Graphics Card - 3090, top of the food chain.Samsung - 980 PRO 1TB SSD PCIe Gen 4 - No loading screens for the ULTIMATE GAMING MACHINE.Samsung - 860 EVO 2TB SSD - 2TB of extra SSD storage, for the "other" games.WD Black Performance 4TB - Just a little extra storage for some other things
Lian Li Galahad 360mm RGB Water Cooling Kit - Just the thing for overclocking that 5950X, also goes with the case.Lian Li UNI FAN 120mm Case Fan 3 Pack - Brings the computer alive with cool air.LG 27GN950-B.AUS 27" 4K 144Hz Monitor - This Rig is MADE for 4k gaming, so this 4k 144hz monitor is perfect.The rest of the peripherals are just my personal preference.With this machine one could become the ULTIMATE GAMER! -
This is what I would build today. Ideally I would get one of the new GPUs, but I will be waiting like a lot of people.
Ideally I would do a 3950x or even a 5900 or 5950x, but you have to draw the line somewhere.
Microcenter, I wish I had one of your stores close(r) to me. You're 8 hours away (round trip) and worth every mile.
Really wanting to do a new build up for the wife, She does photography on the side and could use a major upgrade to her PC. The 5900x plus 3070 would run circles around what she is using now which takes what feels like forever to upload and run batch editing. Only thing I wish I could do different would be more of a full solid white build, but due to these times parts are limited everywhere
Old parts are in desperate need of replacement. Would be fun to build and play this with my son.
I want a build that can play higher end games, VR, and stream seamlessly. -
I chose this build because I'd like to play Cyberpunk 2077 at its best!
I chose this build because it highlights the Ryzen 9 5950X as well as the RX6900XT. Great for multitasking as well as gaming performance. This build should last many, many years. Thanks! -
I always like to dream big and so if I'm asked to create my dream PC why wouldn't you go all out. I've never been modest when it comes to computers so this contest is a great way to express what I would really want. I also really enjoy MSI motherboards so the chance at actually getting the best they offer would be fantastic!!
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