Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
This is actually my first build, I'm close to completing it. Only part missing is the GPU.
The reason I picked this build is simple. These superb components will jingle any gaming enthusiasts bells this holiday season. -
This is the PC I would build if I had the funds to do so. It's a pretty powerful system without venturing off into the extreme enthusiast territory. I really wanted to keep it under $1500 which would be the most I ever spent on a rig. I've always built pretty modest budget builds. The 5600x and RTX 3070 should more than handle my needs as a 1080p gamer for years to come.
This would be an amazing rig for creating content for Youtube and Twitch. I love that the new 5000 series delivers insane performance for productivity while keeping up with Intel in terms of gaming. -
I chose this build because I want a system that can do it all. I am an aspiring engineer, but still like to game. So this will allow me to get through my schooling, running all the programs: blender, matlab, ect but will still be able to play AAA titles at max settings at 4k and have ray-tracing should I choose against the choice monitor.
Full Reasoning:
CPU: Always had AMD for my PC builds and they're starting to marginally outperform Intel.
Motherboard- Always wanted a Crosshair, not much else.
RAM: What I'm currently using. Why use anything higher than 3200MHz? Just doesn't seem necessary (I know, the irony).
Case: Like the look of it.
PSU: Don't need much more than a 850w and I like Seasonic more than most brands.
GPU: Who doesn't want an RTX3090? I chose this model because its the only one that looks similar to an FE version on microcenter.
SSDs: 8TB- It was an option with large amount of storage (need to store all the Steam games).
M.2- Boot drive with additional storage to spare.
Capture Card: I like to stream on the side and would like to do some console streaming at some point.
CPU Cooling: Want to try my hand at hard-line cooling and the liquid metal- IDK thought it might be good.
OS/Antivirus: Currently using Norton and want to upgrade to W10 Pro.
Peripherals: I like corsair products; also minimizes programs needed for the RGB lighting (only need iCUE).
Monitor: I'm used to large monitors (using 40" 4K TV currently) and want something with better refresh rate than 60Hz.
Printer: Being a student, I still need to print every now and again and my current imageCLASS is starting to show signs of age. -
Would love to have a dedicated gaming PC. That also plays in 4k resolution.
- GET BACK!!!!!! She’s gonna blow
(literally every prebuilt) -
The presentations from AMD and NVIDIA got me hyped. The plan was to upgrade my current rig's card to a 3090 until I found out there was no clearance and my CPU would bottleneck it. I want to take AMD's fasted behemoth, the Ryzen 9 5950x and its 16 cores to power 2 RTX 3090s in SLI. I know SLI is dead, but I got games that do support it and programs that would scale. 128GB DDR4 3600mhz is fast enough since Ryzen loves fast memory and I hope 128GB is enough to support Chrome. -
This build would last me for years to come. Obviously a 3080, and the newest Ryzen plus 32 gigs of 3200mhz ram and i could probably play any game on ultra in the next 5-6 years. I really like flight sim so playing MSFS2020 would be such an amazing experience. I'm also a pretty big multitasker to that ram and those ssd's are really gonna help. If only this build wasnt $4000. Of course, I went all out.
Link to build: -
Super souped up and ready for me to play lots of PC games! -
I want to start out with what is missing from this build...Windows, because I will be using this system as a NAS and installing FreeNAS. A monitor is also omitted, because one is only needed while setting up the server.One of the components that identifies this build for productivity is the number of drive bays available in the case. This is important so I can expand storage as my needs grow. The second would be the Seagate IronWolf NAS drives, as this system could be running 24X7. Additionally, a UPS is included to provide data protection in the event of a power interruption. Two M.2 SSDs were included so the FreeNAS software can be mirrored for reliability.The reason I chose to design a productivity system is that I am currently satisfied with my current gaming rig, however it is also being used part-time as a NAS. This has to STOP as gaming should be everyone's top priority!
This dream build is would be a tribute build for my current Ryzen based system which introduced me to the world of DIY. This dream build will carry the monochrome color that my system current has (Black and White). The Ryzen 9 5900x and RTX 3090 would drive my dream build (Would go with 3080 over 3090 since it makes more sense value wise). I want low latency, fast clock speeds, more cores and this build would deliver. The motherboard I would go with is the x570 dark hero, but it's not in stock yet, so the strix is a placeholder. The dark hero would continue the legacy of the x370 ch6 hero that I have. I am happy that I choose to buy my first Ryzen based system at Microcenter, and I hope to do so again. Honestly, all that I want is a any new Ryzen 5000 series CPU and new motherboard to go with it.
I have chosen this build because it will aid with my computer simulations and will enhance my research capabilities.
I slapped this together in three minutes, it's not exactly the best build but I mean it works I guess. -
I chose these parts because they are powerful enough to play my games and to game stream.Also these parts are good enough to do my classes and make documents using Microsoft Office. I also chose alot of storage because I have alot of pictures and videos and I need the storage for my games and school work.☺ -
I chose this build because my current build is kinda old and slowing down, and this one would be super nice to have, since i do a lot of video-editing, homework, and gaming. plus it has the best components that are hard to find with availability issues. -
Second personal PC build. Last one was 9 years old and died so I decided to build a new one. I do CAD design, gaming, 3-D printing and want this PC to last me another 7-9 years! -
Can you GigaBYTE this build? Definitely not because it has almost all Gigabyte branded parts, the very durable parts that also perform very well, able to run games at the highest frames even while streaming. I chose this because Gigabyte stands out from other brands, giving the most performance while also really durable, and because this build will be a very fast computer. -
I call it the:
"Yo Henry Cavill Lemme Get That RTX 3090, bro. Please."
Why? Because if I were Henry Cavill and by some odd circumstance could not get my hands on an RTX 3090 in-store and the only GPUs available were RX 5700 XT's, I'd go this route and hold over until then. Clearly, I went with what's in stock at the day of build while coming close to matching what his current build is before he has the itch to build another and sell/donate/give his current build.
I already play a healthy stream of WoW at 4k on a 5600X and a (good for its time but GPU-upgrade-lacking) GTX 1070, as is... this would just help the situation more, y'know?
Also, Cyberpunk. -
I had my current PC built by Microcenter in Denver about three years ago, they did an excellent job.
This component list would be a major upgrade to my existing rig.
Sweet and cool everything nice
So here my build for me this build will be my school, work, game pc and it would be a good improvement over the current build I am doing currently.
Any upgrade is better then running a 1060. -
Chose this build because I feel like it would last a helluva long time and would be an absolute banger of a first computer.
This build takes top of the line items to make a system that should last you a decade! if the parts can manage that length of time,
it truly is a dream build with top of the line items, let me know your thoughts! -
I'm hoping to complete this build by the middle of next year; hopefully CPU and GPU inventory stabilizes by then .
I'm going for a high-tier gaming build and hyped to play Cyberpunk and Ashes of Creation on my new build! - pc is my dream pc. My current pc runs like a toaster and is 5 years old. The one I built has an AIO so hopefully it won’t run like a toaster and sound a 747.
I call it "Torture" because it's a $4000 Gaming PC with a $4 keyboard and $5 mouse.
- picked my parts for aesthetic reasons, price, and quality. This would work for the gaming I want to be able to do and drawing software I want to use as well as my everyday needs.
The reason I chose this setup just to play games. I have never had a gaming PC in my life. If I get the opportunity to get micro center gift card, I would utilize this gift card toward my first gaming computer. I look forward to getting my first gaming PC.
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