Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
So here is my build. It is certainly an expensive one, but hey its a dream build and i dream big!
This uses the new Ryzen 9 CPU with a 6800XT. Dual monitor setup and an ElGato for stream capturing. This would be used for high end gaming and streaming. In addition to these it has a full steelseries peripherals and a lovely RGB mousepad. Absolutely insane and wonderful. This would be great for one or more decades to come!
Before Covid-19, my dad got a chance to come over and try my VR setup, and he was so blown away. Now he's always mentioning how jealous he is that my family and I get to "vacation" to any virtual place we want to go while they're stuck at home after canceling their travel plans. That got me thinking that they would probably have a much easier time being stuck at home if they could experience virtual travel and outdoor hiking whenever they felt like it. So I wanted to build a machine that was a strong VR performer, and I think the parts reflect that. There's an AMD Ryzen 3600 with 16GB of 3200 Ram in dual channel mode to maximize the Ryzen's performance. This is paired with an MSI B450 Bazooka Max Wifi, because I've had good experience with other MSI 400 series chipset boards, and the built-in wifi will save me some trouble. There's a Gigabyte RTX 2060 to power the VR headset (hoping to see RTX support in more VR titles soon), and I went with an Inland Professional m.2 1TB ssd, because I've used that same drive in several builds now, and few other drives come close to the bang for buck of it's performance. Everything is powered by a Thermaltake Smart Series 700 watt PSU, to provide plenty of room to grow should we need to upgrade the GPU or CPU down the line. And all that is housed in a CoolerMaster Haf XB case, which has a fairly unique horizontal layout that I have found makes it easy to place out of the way under desks and the like. -
Not going to lie, this is a dream build. A mostly white build to be the yin to my old yang PC that was all black that got fried last year thanks to a thunderstorm and me lacking surge protection ^^;. -
This PC would be a new work rig for working from home. It is simple and would get the job done for years to come. I would do some light gaming so there is no need for anything with major horse power. This would be a very merry christmas with this rig. It fits in just over the first place gift card so it would be perfect. There is no cpu cooler in this build because I would pick up a Noctua NH-U12S on my own.
Ive got multiple builds under my belt but i would love to be able to build something like this for my brother... hes still rocking a crappy old phenom 2 system lol. Hes an AMD fanboy so i went all amd. -
The reason why I chose to build this PC is because it is my first PC and I am needing something with a bit more power. I chose to go with core I7 and 32 GB of RAM to give me enough power to do streaming and gaming at the same time. I also chose good quality medium/high end parts so it will last for years to come. Since it is my first PC build I want to get something that is very reliable and can be switched out with newer parts when the new RTX 3080 comes out for a better price. I think that I should win the Micro Center gift card since I could really use it to start my streaming career and video editing. Lots of people want to win the gift card but I think I should win it in particular since I can use it for my future which will aid me into getting accepted into my dream college. Also, I am currently gaming on a 7 year old xbox one that was handed down to me by my older brother and is an absolute tank. It may not be optimal but it do not have the money to buy a new pc which is why i am entering in this competition. Who knows, maybe I could win it!
Say HELLO to my Lil Friend!
This was fun!
Thank you for letting us dream about toys!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all! -
I'm trying to get a PC in order to stream and make yt videos. I know it might be a hard industry to get into, but I feel if I do manage to get into here my Parents, siblings, and eventually children would never have to work another day in their lives. Please do the blessing for me by allowing for me to win the sweepstake, or don't, will still love micro center either way!
Sincerely Cairo -
I'm building this setup to replace by ageing system -
I love a computer with power so that's what I built....
I chose this build since I'm currently rocking a 4690k and an RX580 8GB and it's showing it's age with modern games. I was limited in graphics card options at the time of selection, so I stuck with the 3080. I also went with two 16gb kits to fill out all 4 ram slots. With more flexibility in my real-world budget, this is the way I think I would go. -
Dream build for video editing, photoshop and gaming. Would be such an imrpovement and help a ton.
so in my build im using Ryzen 5 3600 and a strix gaming motherboard with 16 gb of ram, 80+ gold power supply and a 1660. im making this build as my first pc and im trying to build a pc because I want to start streaming and get into pc gaming, I already have a laptop that I try to game on but it is not fast and cant stream on it. i also got an 144hz monitor because i feel it would just make my games run better and its not too expensive its $1700. im building this pc for Christmas and im really looking forward to pc gaming and building my first pc. I also put some cool rgb fans on it just to make it look nice. -
My build the best you can build for a affordable price. Great for gaming, streaming and school. Best all round that will last for a long time. -
You said dream built, right? LOL - This would be overkill for me but one can dream. Only needed for gaming and working, baby. Happy Holidays to everyone and good luck! -
This system would be a massive upgrade from the one I have currently, and would allow me to start content creation, stream games, and get back to game dev. My current PC would obviously then be given to a friend who's been wanting to get into PC gaming for a long while now. -
I've always had a dark themed case. This time I went with white. I've never had a white case.
It's been over 7 years since I've last built a brand new computer. I've been contemplating it for quite awhile, and this would go a long way to making that new build a reality.
This build will help with my content creation, 3d modeling and texturing that I want to sell (mostly into second life but also VR games and settings). I work continiously and with the rtx 3080 can get what I need from it. I don't play games to often but do plan on playing CP2077 and This workhorse will handle that game quite well. The monitor needs to be 4k or better with the best color gamut possible( i don't have a solid buy on monitor yet but i know asus makes good hardware). The GPU and monitor are my two most important components. The mouse is amazing, I've used one and the battery last for ever and works so well, has features i'd use all the time, like scrolling between tabs in chrome. I need as much possible ram as possible, I always have way too many tabs open in chrome and we all know chrome is a RAM hog, i also usually have blender and android studio open at the same time. This is the basic idea of what i want to to build. I need more research on monitors and besides the GPU thats where most of my money will be going. But this build will allow me to get my work done and able to sell it sooner than later. I'm going with ASUS mobo and gpu as I've always had good luck with them.
I've never been able to get the best of the best before, i've always had to settle or get hand me downs, And one thing i've always wanted is the best of the best computers, something that can handle what I do, not too much lag, fast start up, and just an overall beast of a PC. I've saved up a bit so far and am being given the oppurtunity to buy some new PC parts for chirstmas, II'm hoping this year is the first year in my 35 years I get to build the best PC ( And the PC of my dreams) Fingers are crossed, I"m currently trying to secure a 3080 GPU, hoping i get the one i really want. Then I can buy the rest of my PC parts and put together my very first PC that i get to call my own. No more settling for me!
This is a nice pc with keyboard and mouse for $950. It is good for light streaming as well as gaming. The nvec encoder will give the i5 10400 a big boost for performance. -
I believe this pc will do great for gaming and streaming. It has the 3600, a great 6 core processor, along with the RTX 2060, which with the nvec encoder will make for a great gaming and streaming experience.
I need to render during the day, some gaming in the evening. It also needs to look semi-professional, so a stealth case.
I wanted to make my mom an easy on the wallet workhorse workstation. I would swap out some things that could be cheaper, but there are a few I would for sure keep. The Lian Li Lancool II makes pc building quick and easy, its simple and intuitive. The Ryzen 5 3600 comes with the Wraith Stealth Cooler which is good enough for a workstation. -
First PC build - I chose these parts for 3D modeling and animation... sorry, not a gamer LOL.
Moving out to college in spring so I'm trying to put together a PC to replace the xbox and old computer I have at home. Tried to make this more practical and price conscious than anything else, but also wanted something that should last me a while without having to upgrade along the way. Most of these components are good enough to handle what I need them to for years to come, without spending an unnecessary amount. For the GPU, aside from wanting this to run most games at 1440p, I do a lot of work in machine learning(CS/EE major)- so I picked out a newer Nvidia card for their cuda cores. -
I managed to snag an RTX 3070 for the holidays but that leaves everything else needing an upgrade. Wanting something to last for the next 10 years! Leaving my dream upgrade build here:
Thank you Microcenter for this chance to win! - chose this setup as I do a great deal of programming and these parts are reliable.
Never really thought of a dream PC all that much. Always got what I could afford. The reviews on the Lian Li TU105 are good and I love the way it looks. I wanted a beefy CPU, but, not something that was going to go nuclear in an itx case so went with the 3800XT. I've had plenty of Nvidia GPUs in my life so I thought I'd try the 6800xt for a change. Can't go wrong with an EVGA PSU or samsung SSDs. The Lian Li case fans look to good to pass up.
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