Though I have never built a PC before, i'm aspiring to build one and replace this dusty old mac.
My dream build ....It features a r5 3600 (a killer cpu with awesome performance at the price) paired with an RX 5700 XT( the only decent GPU in stock) though I would prefer and RTX 2080 TI because it would be a perfect match for the 3600. All on a gigabyte x570 motherboard paired with 4 sticks 32gb of corsair RGB ram. As for the storage, I chose a BLAZING FAST Samsung 970 evo as a fast boot drive also serving as a killer games library. A samsung 1tb ssd as a game library asko, and a 2tb HDD as file storage. All of this in a nzxt h510 rgb case because it features cool looking RGB effects (+15 FPS). The keyboard one that all my friends have and the mouse, a Logitech g502 (wireless is +++) And finally, two awesome 1080p moitors, one for schoolwork, the other for ... gaming!
Well that was my dream build,nothing too interesting but I hope I win and best of luck!
And thanks for your time!
Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
Here's my Build! Working from home and being a content creator on my spare time with video and photo editing I'm looking to upgrade my aging laptop and getting a dedicated desktop. This would be the perfect machine to fill my needs.
I have some of these components already(half ram, mobo, and ssd), so as an upgrade I'd get 16 more gb of ram, a hard drive, and the cooler first. Ram would be good for multitasking. -
Because why not...
I have always went to microcenter to buy computer components. I have never been disappointed! I have here my dream PC. Not over the top but not a budget PC. I plan on giving my first budget computer to my bestfriend this Christmas if I were to get lucky and have this build started. -
Super overkill and unnecessary but why not. I really want to go super overkill so hence Threadripper 64 core. And I wanted tons of RGB so I went with Asus ROG components.
I'm a graphic artist / video editor / sim racer / major multitasker. This is a big upgrade from my current setup.. Just here being a dreamer. -
This is a build I plan on building in the future. I'm a software engineer in training so I'll definitely need the processing power from the 3700x and the ram will be nice, maybe even upgrade to 64 Gb. Other than that, I'm going to be playing some intensive games ranging from Path of Exile to Cyberpunk 2077. This would be a great 'affordable' setup that will be able to run anything at 1080p/1440p at max settings. -
This build is absolutely overkill for my needs, but this is what my perfect, budget isn't a worry build would look like. I went so far to include monitors as well, figured if I'm gonna share my dream, I'm gonna share my whole dream. The regular 1440p monitor for traditional gaming and general use, but the WUHD for movies or cinematic games that may be played with my wife. This would be a dream come true, but I certainly don't expect to come anywhere near this kind of investment for at least a while in my life. -
Covid has really limited our usual family activities. As a teacher, when I am done grading papers and having online classes, I just need to unwind with the family. This would make a great Steam gaming PC in our living room and make family time even better. Stay safe everybody, we will get through this if we stick together. Thanks to Micro Center for a pretty cool contest opportunity, and always having the parts I need when I need them. Shout outs to the awesome staff at the Yonkers store in NY and Patterson store in NJ!!!! - I really want this pc because the components are really good for what they cost and I don't really have the money to build it and its not over kill and its better than my dell optiplex 790 this pc would be a real blessing to me and being able to do school work and game with my friends.
I made this build out of my dream to have a ASUS themed PC one day. Powerhouse of a PC to take on rendering, editing and gaming! Hopefully to achieve this one day!
I chose this build because it would rock in gaming and streaming and it would look really cool while still not being too flashy.
I've actually been making builds like this since I was a little kid, unfortunately never got to build them due to financial problems -
It's been almost 10 years since I built my last computer, and it's definitely showing its age. I'm saving money to get something top of the line to hopefully last me again and enjoy all the new games in all their glory.
I've gotten into the community relatively recently and I've learnt a lot doing so. With this pandemic going on the parts aren't exactly what I imagined, but I made sure I would be content with this PC, and you better bet I would be. I made this list to just be able to do everything I will do as well as a little more, such as gaming/streaming, but of course more importantly to look stunning. To be honest, the components may to a little to powerful as I recently upgraded my system (coincidentally at micro center) so I wanted to one-up what I currently have, but I digress. Thanks for reading!
That's what I would be using if microcenter had a store in Florida so I could buy parts.
This is what I settled for in it's place, since I don't have a microcenter.
I am currently running on a system with a gtx 750 ti And would think this would be an awesome upgrade for this holiday season!
I chose these parts because I am on a budget (other than the 3060 TI) also I thought the case looked nice and the RAM needed some RGB for +99999 fps. My current system is a 2nd gen i3, 6GB of DDR3 RAM, a cheap Dell motherboard, and a dying hard drive without a graphics card so this would be an incredible upgrade. -
I like that this builder checks for compatibility, just confirms my research. I would love to upgrade to this build. My current pc is good, but it does not have power that I need to play games and stream at the same time. Also, I would love to have a 3D printer!!
A nice performance build to replace my current PC of 6 years. No GPU listed while I wait for a 3060-ti. Ready for future gen ssd gaming as seen in the unreal engine 5 demo. Would be really cool to win! Probably won't, but why not lets try! -
Half way through quarantine I've started building PCs with/for friends lately, showing them around the PC community. So, why not build myself a new rig, especially now that we are stuck in remote learning and I'm learning to computer animate on an old rig. -
This dream build is better than what I have currently. I went with a simplistic build, nothing too fancy. -
I chose these specs because I want to start building a PC that is capable of both streaming, playing high-end games with minimal FPS drops, and also rendering video edits. What makes this PC special is definitely the new Zen 3 series from AMD with top-notch processing speeds and cores. I also added in a monitor because higher resolution gaming has been taking over the market, plus I can watch as many movies as I'd like with this beautiful screen. With this build, I can potentially start streaming my gameplays and share them with others. -
I started with the goal of picking a decent rig with only parts in stock at my local Microcenter at the time. CPU? I can live with a Zen 2 vs Zen 3. 3700X it is. Great selection of motherboards, RAM, PSUs, cases. Love odd case builds. The the old GPU shortage made me sad. Here's hoping if I am randomly selected, by the time I get the prize, there will be GPUs in stock lol. Microcenter is awesome, GPU suppliers are lame for their paper launches. :-(
This is one of my current dream Builds that I am actually starting on! This build would be used for Gaming and or Production (Unreal Editor). There is a few points id like to highlight. First off Im sticking with Intel with an I9. AMD has really came up recently but I still just trust Intel for realibility. MSI has never failed me, The Z490 MEG ACE is a beautiful motherboard with all the bells and whistles. Im going with the 3080 (MSI because why not) for its the best deal in long run, even if I have to hold out and wait. 32G RAM will do just fine for gaming and smaller side production, The G skill Trident I think looks pretty & fast. Plenty of fast storage for Games and Assets. Of course all of this goes in the beautiful Lian Li PC-O11 Dynamic (RGB razer or black). Cooled off with the EKWB Water cooling kit. 9 Lian Li SL120 bBack RGB Uni Fans and of course Lian Li Strimer's. PSU is EVGA Supernova 850 Giving plenty of power for now and future upgrades.
I chose this build, because having a dream pc like this would be all i ever wanted.
I chose these PC parts because I want to be a pro-Fortnite streamer but I can't because I don't have a PC or any of the right equipment. -
I went for a top gaming build, obviously. The parts I chose were for top performance and build quality rather than for best value. I like to spend a little extra for the best parts! I will be able to carry over some parts from my current rig, but I'll definitely be buying an RTX 3080 and a new case to go with it - oh and a bigger PSU!
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