Design the PC of your Holiday Dreams and Enter to Win a $1000 gift card!
This is a build I made with a good friend of mine about a month ago when I didn't know anything about computers, he was my guide in all of this. He told me I could buy this gpu while we wait for things to get back to normal. So the total price would be around 1100, so not really too far off the 1st prize. It will let me run everything at 1080p easily and that's exactly what I want. I'm going to be working this next month so I can afford it and gift my friend a cpu and storage upgrade. I'm finally going to be able to work with blender while I stream and play!
This is my first ever build! So happy that I have a Microcenter in my area. -
Like all other PC lovers, I've always wanted a high end PC. I do a lot of gaming as well as a lot of my work on my current PC and could definitely use an upgrade.
I started getting into PCs this summer and I've decided that I want to build one. I'd want something in the upper mid-range that can handle 1080p high refresh rate or even 1440p. It is a black and white themed build and I made sure that no money would go to waste. I'm hoping that this can be my gateway into pursuing something computer related as a career.
This is my $27K MINO Build (Money Is No Object). I know, dream on
DanManTX said:This is my $27K MINO Build (Money Is No Object). I know, dream on
A nice AMD build to replace the rig I built when my son was born, he's now 8 and really wants to play the new Microsoft Flight Simulator that my current machine has no chance at playing. -
This is my first Build, Exactly how I want it and Already have got some of the parts, Waiting on My GPU and CPU.... Like all of us lolComing from laptops Very Excited to get the performance and thermals out of a PC build. And just eh enjoyment that I know i`m gonna get from putting it together myself. I love Microcenter I`m located in allston so its just over the river for me and has always been my go to for computer/AV related products. you guys are Great
Here is my Build, kind budget but what I can afford now. Add a 10600K, very good price now, add a 3060 TI or 3070. Ram would be
3400 CL 14. Rest I got, plus when 11th gen comes out, I can always upgrade -
This build is for a friend that enjoys e-sports gaming, but does not have a lot of desk space. The Lian-Li TU150 should be prefect because it's compact, looks great, and has a built-in handle for transportation. For the main components, the Ryzen 5 3600 and RX 5600 XT will be great for 1080p, high refresh rate gaming.
I chose these parts due to availability and the tool not loading very well. Glad I found the tool though. It helps a lot!
Not only is this my first PC, but I made the parts specifically for doing deep learning and compiling code. I am naming it "Rob O'T, I am not so sure how efficient are the parts that do not include the CPU and GPU. I made sure those are decent enough for experimental work.
This is My Dream PC , parts are recent but my dream has always been to have one of the top of the line computer to work on multitasking and work at the same time. since i was a young boy i started to fell in love with computers. i was too young and my family did not have the right income for them to buy me the computer i wanted. at the age of 13 years old i bought a custom built computer from a garage sell for a really good price that i could afford. i took it apart, looked at every single part of it and asked how did this work and how did they make it. i started to put it back together and started to Surf the internet found out how did they make processors, and how they worked. i didn't need anyone to teach me and said to myself i would start buying and selling gaming computers. i bought used , cleaned them , installed OS and drivers and resold them for a good deal that i could make a little extra money for better or for more computers. i always had a nice set up that i would sell for a great price.. but i never actually had a set up i would use and love for my very own.. every time i saw someone had a high end system with the best parts i always wanted it but could never get it. im happy i have worked on so many computers and made other people happy because i gave a good service and always the best deal on them. but what would make me happier is a computer for my own that i would love and use for many years. best of luck to everyone and hope i could make someone want a system likes this and buy it if they can atleast if i dont win ill be happy i made someone else happy with a dream pc like this. -
I plan on building this as soon as I am able to purchase a 5900X, ASUS Dark Hero, and 3080! I will be doing my first custom loop and am excited to play Cyberpunk on it!
$3k business-focused build, but with a video card that allows for a little play on the side. Kind of like a mullet computer.
Because the first rule of having a nice PC is DRIP. And with such a clean build, I can't go wrong. -
I've been wanting to do an ITX build for a long time now, and I chose the specific motherboard due to wanting optical audio out. Went with the 3070 due to being power limited by the sfx selection.
I'm going for a decent build to replace my laptop. It can't handle Escape from Tarkov at the moment, and I'm just looking for something that can run that (somewhat) smoothly, along with most other AAA games. I've already got an NVME SSD and an 8TB HDD so I'm covered on that front. The Ryzen 5 is a good balance of budget and performance, and the 3080 should power through most any game I'm looking to play.
My current system is, well, not current. It has an Intel i5-2430M with Intel HD 3000 graphics. From 2011. I NEED a new PC because I'm going to be making games with Unity and 3D modelling with Blender (which my computer can't even launch, by the way. It requires DirectX 12.). Minecraft Bedrock doesn't even support my computer anymore. I'd love to see some of that sweet, sweet ray-tracing on Minecraft and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I'd, uh, also be very, VERY happy to play, well, any game at more than 30fps, I guess. I'd also like to start streaming and making videos. It would be super exciting to win this. Thank you! -
I am Currently working on building a Flight Simulator PC for my dad as that is his dream. My mom currently has COVID and he has been taking care of her non stop. We are both staying home from work and without this pay I probably will not be able to get him it anytime soon . He is the most amazing guy and has always been by my side no matter what. I have already purchased his graphics card so the $1000 gift card will be perfect to finish the build and get him some peripherals! My dad deserves the world because he always puts everyone before himself this would be absolutely perfect for him. Thank you for your time! -
I made this build to make it last for a couple of years. It'll come in handy with my studies and gaming at the same time! Also, I love the black and white aesthetic it offers. I would add a 3060 ti but those are hard to come by and at this point aside from scalpers, only one can dream! Anyway, I love everything Lian li along with the hardware I chose it'll come in great! I've added a bit of storage for editing videos and photos as I'm also into those! -
I build that I want to build for my Dad. -
I've built a few computers before, but I want something that is absolutely futureproof. The 5900X is perfect for 3D modelling applications and also a beast for gaming, ergo why I went for the 3080 that is perfect for any game. I'm already running a 1440p 100hz ultrawide, and it should be able to run anything I want for years to come. I'm super excited about this generation of hardware and can't wait to see what they do even better. - dream build as of now. I’d like to build my first pc ever.
Choosing this build because I play a lot of flight sim so I need better single threaded support than Ryzen procs provide, and right now MSFS is more CPU than GPU limited. I also want a 3080 for better ray-tracing performance compared to AMD parts and ability to run 1440p ultra wide (3880x1440).
<br> ..because my current system is quite old and this would be a huge improvement :-) <br> Merry Xmas
First of all Thank you to Micro Center for doing a giveaway and good luck to my fellow applicants
I designed this build to be a bottom of the barrel for the consumer in terms of basic parts, all interchangeable at a later time but leaving the GPU and Processor as the bottom of the barrel in terms of peak performance, the GPU I picked is for Raytracing at the very minimum, and the processor is just the icing on the cake to make a PC that performs as well as it looks with the RGB Fans and Tempered Glass case, sure to stand out in any gaming setup.
PSThis will also be my first built PC, I've never really known exactly where to get PC parts but since I discovered micro center I've had fun mix and matching parts on the PC builder, and I am astonished! -
Here's a good build for a gaming PC:
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