RTX 3000 Series Micro Center Discussion & FAQ!
Any Patterson NJ updates, with a photo? Read supposedly they had 13 cards and already 13 there.
Great and now with the stupid PS5 pre-orders live, now best buy and many other sites are down or crashing....smh. The online will be even worse if this shit is already crashing and it's nowhere near 6am.
The Sharonville location is packed and they don't know how many they will have but from the people that are there now as I plan on heading over there around 7:30 am is that thats pushing it really close
FML, what a shitty turn of events man. so now that micro center is a no-go for me, online is only option. why the hell did sony decide to make their PS5 pre-orders go live on the eve of the 3000 series launch??? best buy is f#$%ing crashed now because of all these damn pre-orders.
xGordy said:anyword on Parkville in MD, planned on going at 4AM, but not sure if there is already a line for them.
Senselessed said:Westmont IL - 15 people in line.
they had a sign that said they had only 10 units, but they took it down before close and wrote down “very limited stock, first come first serve” instead. What this means is up to interpretation, do they have more, do they have less, or rather not be direct about how many units to avoid disappointing? But that’s the current status. -
oof welp online here i go
Well MicroCenter is pretty much a bust, I have a feeling BestBuy will be too.
Nafeasonto said:Well MicroCenter is pretty much a bust, I have a feeling BestBuy will be too.
Nafeasonto said:Well MicroCenter is pretty much a bust, I have a feeling BestBuy will be too.
Any Patterson NJ updates, with a photo? Read supposedly they had 13 cards and already 13 there.
SuR_GalaHad said:best buys will get maybe 1 or 2 I was waiting in front of one in NJ and they came out and toldme to leave and come back at 630aam lol
anybody in line at the Chicago store on Elston?
Anybody have a lead on a Best Buy in Chicagoland that’ll actually stock one? Literally anywhere Chicagoland and I mean literally any 3080 I don’t care what partner or model.
Denver have any spots left?
SuR_GalaHad said:best buys will get maybe 1 or 2 I was waiting in front of one in NJ and they came out and toldme to leave and come back at 630aam lol
Nafeasonto said:Which one in NJ, as I live there. There are a lot of BestBuys in Jersey.
any update on the one by flushing in New York?
ChiefSuspect said:any update on the one by flushing in New York?
according to online sources, Best Buy was allocated roughly 70% of the 3080 shipped out to retailers. Micro Center was allocated roughly 10%. Our best bet is Best Buy. Not sure if it meant the 3080 FE or 3080 as in third party.
Any update for Dallas?
Juliann6 said:im planning on going at around 4 am, not sure whats best at the moment and what assumption to take. I haven't heard anything on the location at all as of people lining up.
ChiefSuspect said:Okay I was planning on being there a bit earlier, so I’ll give you any updates I can get
Only 17 cards will be in Houston. Line is already over 30 people.
Anyone got a update on Tustin, is it even worth trying to come now or will it most likely be too late?
Catdag123 said:Anyone got a update on Tustin, is it even worth trying to come now or will it most likely be too late?
In NY, the flushing store has 12 cards and 12+ ppl are lined up. Was informed that the brooklyn site (current location) has no set card amount, there is 18+ of us here and we hope the have 20 cards or at least 12 ( I'm #15 wish me luck). Westbury is said to only have 2 cards with an early shipment of more, don't know how many are there other than 2+ ppl are already there.
Jjacksterup said:In NY, the flushing store has 12 cards and 12+ ppl are lined up. Was informed that the brooklyn site (current location) has no set card amount, there is 18+ of us here and we hope the have 20 cards or at least 12 ( I'm #15 wish me luck). Westbury is said to only have 2 cards with an early shipment of more, don't know how many are there other than 2+ ppl are already there.
Still nothing on Patterson?
On the East coast launch is 9am and Best Buy opens at 10am...
Does anyone know if this means the best strategy is to try and place a pick up order at launch and then come pick it up?
Also, any update on the Marietta UPS situation greatly appreciated.
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