RTX 3000 Series Micro Center Discussion & FAQ!



  • Well Microcenter finally replied to my text (several hours later).

    "Good day! We're sold out nationwide. No ETA currently for when we will be receiving more. Those also can not be reserved/preordered due to such high demand."

    Guess I should finally sleep. I've been up for a while since I left work the other day lol.
    yeah, getting tired of these bs, mysterious, vague blanket statements by micro center. fck nvidia for doing this. they honestly don't deserve anyones money. greedy scum bags. 
  • elcid_777 said:
    But, but...nvidia said theyre doing everything to stop the scalpers and get them into real customers hands!!! How can this be?? Lol lying sacks of crap, they did this on ourpose to drive up demand. Mark my words people, after these next few weeks, you will likely never see a 3080 for $699. And micro center tustin is a joke. Someone posted a video clip of the tustin store, there is still like 75 people lined up and more showing...
    Except theres no more cards left and the second shipment already got bought up and the employees are not informing those poor suckers waiting outside. I doubt they get more shipments until a few days from now and the shit show begins again. Going to get it in person is pretty much youre only way of getting it now. Online is a complete bust at this point. All of these shit bag scalpers using bots, its impossible.
    I wouldn’t really say that about Tustin MC. This MC usually has lines everyday just to purchase things and the staff are actually really helpful. I’ve shopped with them for years and since COVID started lines have been insane. I blame NVIDIA personally for an atrocity of a launch. They could have allowed preordering for starters with better communication  and we wouldn’t be in this mess (IMHO).  Just keep an eye out for replenishment and all will be well!
    yeah, im aware of that. but they handled this extremely poorly and basically said "let the customers figure it out". poor bastards stayed up all night waking each other up every two hours to do roll calls to secure these cards. MC didn't do a damn thing to make this process orderly, safe or professional. of course the true culprit behind this disaster of a release is nvidia, but the retailers, especially MC, considering they were the only retailer to get in store stock, handled this very poorly across the board. 
  • So did most stores do vouchers?
  • So what's up with MC telling 100+ people to get in line when Nvidia had already stated that it was 20 cards max per store?

    Explain that logic.
  • I read through the thread but am still confused with the purpose of the vouchers if they are not handed out until the store opens. Are we given a voucher then we immediately give it back?
  • This is so dumb.

    People are purposely fake bidding on these cards to mess with scalpers, not a real bid at all
  • I read through the thread but am still confused with the purpose of the vouchers if they are not handed out until the store opens. Are we given a voucher then we immediately give it back?
    Right I thought the point was to hand them out a few hours before the store opens so people can wait in their car, go home shower, get breakfast, and come back right before store opens and line up according to number on voucher to purchase the cards
  • Just A FYI for all the people that got the card check your receipt for a code to get watch dogs legion and  a yeah of GeForce now now
  • clementk said:
    Just A FYI for all the people that got the card check your receipt for a code to get watch dogs legion and  a yeah of GeForce now now
    Did they have vouchers at your store? How it work?
  • elcid_777 said:
    cucuchu said:
    So what IS being done is people are making throwaway dud ebay accounts to spam the scalpers with fake bids. There is a big effort for this and a lot of people are doing it. There is a thread going on the NVIDIA forum of a guy that created a bot which spam creates throwaway ebay accounts and specifically bids on the 3080 listings to drive them up to insane levels. Legal? Probably not...but I'm cool with it. F'ck em
    dude, these scalpers using bots are the fcking worst! just for shits and giggles, i went over to facebook market place and not to my surprise, they have multiple scalper kunts trying to sell the Founders edition 3080 for $2,000 each....so I message one of them, give them a fake offer for 1,200. the piece of shit was appalled and said "no way, im already getting higher offers!". and most of them are located in southern california, pieces of shit who probably paid someone to wait outside micro center all night. seriously, something legal needs to be done about these shit bags who do this. 
    There’s nothing illegal about paying someone to stand in line for you. I’ve never done that, but I have thought about it at times. But it’s definitely not illegal. 
  • clementk said:
    Just A FYI for all the people that got the card check your receipt for a code to get watch dogs legion and  a yeah of GeForce now now
    ^THE REAL MVP lol - Totally would have missed that.

    And to all you guys bitching about the versions being shit - my EVGA hits 2 Ghz MSI afterburner stable. I was like, O.O    (76~ C)
  • There’s nothing illegal about paying someone to stand in line for you. I’ve never done that, but I have thought about it at times. But it’s definitely not illegal. 
    I dont believe I said it was??? what I did say is that legal measures should be in place to prevent scalpers or discourage them at least. 
  • So I’m guessing the 3090 is gonna be the same situation 
  • CobraKai
    CobraKai ✭✭
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper
    edited September 2020
    They handed out vouchers just before they opened so only those who had vouchers could buy the 3080s that they got. The Kansas store ended up getting 22 total cards. I know I asked this afternoon and those bitching about sales rep knowing they don't know what they are getting they get dropped shipped these from the warehouse they don't order them hence why some stores got more and some didn't get that many. Also, those who bought the lower tier cards until side by side comparisons are done does not mean it is better than a higher tier card. You may get a lucky good card because I assume not all of them are tested.  Lower temps at higher OC is why the higher tier cards are more money not just the clock speed.
  • CobraKai said:
    They handed out vouchers just before they opened so only those who had vouchers could buy the 3080s that they got. The Kansas store ended up getting 22 total cards. I know I asked this afternoon and those batching about sales rep knowing they don't know what they are getting they get dropped shipped these from the warehouse they don't order them hence why some stores got more and some didn't get that many. Also, those who bought the lower tier cards until side by side comparisons are done does not mean it is better than a higher tier card. You may get a lucky good card because I assume not all of them are tested.  Lower temps at higher OC is why the higher tier cards are more money not just the clock speed.
    What's the point in handing them out right before they open? You mean like an hour before they open, or literally right before they open, like five minutes before they open?
  • Alexa, thanks for being a great organizer and leader!
  • For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
  • Chasemm18 said:
    For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
    I have the same question, and also live 2 hours away. Which store are you going to? I'm going to Cambridge Massachusetts 
  • CobraKai said:
    They handed out vouchers just before they opened so only those who had vouchers could buy the 3080s that they got. The Kansas store ended up getting 22 total cards. I know I asked this afternoon and those batching about sales rep knowing they don't know what they are getting they get dropped shipped these from the warehouse they don't order them hence why some stores got more and some didn't get that many. Also, those who bought the lower tier cards until side by side comparisons are done does not mean it is better than a higher tier card. You may get a lucky good card because I assume not all of them are tested.  Lower temps at higher OC is why the higher tier cards are more money not just the clock speed.
    What's the point in handing them out right before they open? You mean like an hour before they open, or literally right before they open, like five minutes before they open?
    For those that waited the 12 hours+, they handed out vouchers commensurate to how many cards they knew that they had. The marietta store dropped 12 vouchers, put all else on a list with their phone numbers (about 90 minutes before store open). Then, after 30 minutes until open, the store found out a 20 card batch of EVGA was on route. So, the one's that left without putting down their numbers lost out. Sad day.
  • Chasemm18 said:
    For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
    Before the store closed on the night before.
  • Chasemm18 said:
    For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
    I have the same question, and also live 2 hours away. Which store are you going to? I'm going to Cambridge Massachusetts 

    hey! I’m in Los Angeles so the Tustin location I believe is the closest to me... which has me worried because comments here say that 75 people were in line this morning which makes me think I might need to camp out the night before, sound ridiculous for a graphics card but I have to be honest I really want to get one of these before they become X% more expensive on the aftermarket. I wish you the best of luck man! And thank you to everybody on here who is sharing their experience and knowledge, really great to see the community trying to help each other out when it’s so hard to get information from some of these big companies.

  • Chasemm18 said:
    For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
    Before the store closed on the night before.
    If they handed out vouchers the night before, then why are people camping out? Im so confused!
  • Chasemm18 said:
    For those who got cards today I would love to know how early you were outside the store and how many people were there when you got there. I’m going to my local store next week...by local I mean it’s 2 hours away but I need that 3090...will I have to fight scalpers? Haha
    Before the store closed on the night before.
    If they handed out vouchers the night before, then why are people camping out? Im so confused!
    Not every store handled it exactly the same. Some handed them out the night before some handed them out in the morning. 
  • Hey. So I’m building a new pc and I was looking to get 2 3090s for SLI for my system. If my gf comes with me can we both get 1 each or does it depend on the address because we live together pe cause of 1 per household?
  • Hey. So I’m building a new pc and I was looking to get 2 3090s for SLI for my system. If my gf comes with me can we both get 1 each or does it depend on the address because we live together pe cause of 1 per household?
    RTX 3k series does not support SLI
  • Hey. So I’m building a new pc and I was looking to get 2 3090s for SLI for my system. If my gf comes with me can we both get 1 each or does it depend on the address because we live together pe cause of 1 per household?
    RTX 3k series does not support SLI
    The 3070, and 3080 don’t support it. Nvidia themself said that 3090 is the only card that supports sli 
  • I just really want to get my hand on 2 3090s for my sli. That’s why I wanna know if I get my gf to come buy another one because of the 1 per household is it still possible to get it or do they only give 1 per address?
  • Do you guys think there will be less stock for the 3090? I was going to attempt to get one at the Dallas location. Anyone else planning to go to the Dallas location for the 3090?
  • Vinn said:
    Anybody waited at the St. David PA location for the 3080?  How was the line or vouchers handled?  Want to know for the 3090 release.
    I tried ordering online at 9am but it was impossible so I raced to the St.David location "1 hr away" because it said 1 in stock.  Anyways they were sold out and I was told that a few people lined up on the previous day.  I believe they only had like 12 in stock and by morning few people turned into dozens if not hundreds.
  • So let' say I'm like 5th in line and I get a voucher. I'm guessing they only let a certain amount of people into the store at a time right?So assuming they let those first five people in first was it just a mad race to get the card you wanted? Or was it more of a "Okay this guy was number one so he gets first pick, now number two gets to pick" and so forth?

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