RTX 3000 Series Micro Center Discussion & FAQ!
Did the MC in Tustin restock any 3080 during 3090 release?
Well this has been a disaster online to say the least.-.
Has anyone seen a restock of any 3080s this week? The website has dropped down to only 1 sku and I was under the impression the website would update with amounts for any restock.
GN review dropped on the 3090. Surprise surprise, over double the price for ~10-15% gains in gaming performance at most, and of course the 8K gaming claim being misleading.
Even at 4K max settings that extra VRAM was not making a difference at all. The uplift was because of the increase in the other specs on the card. I know it's the newest and best and shiniest but unless you're doing actual work that can take advantage of all that VRAM, it's just not worth it. -
When will the 3080's be reservable online for in-store pickup? @TSTonyV
@gsmithfcd We're not sure exactly when we'll be able to offer reservations for the 3000 series cards. We're doing our best to get more inventory as quickly as possible, but right now, we don't have the inventory to be able to offer the reservations. From my understanding, once stock levels start to normalize, we'll be able to offer that option again.
EvanH said:Some stores handing out vouchers and others not. Pretty dope. Well prepared i see. Who could have expected this? Oh wait the same thing happened last week? shocker. People amaze me. Cant just get a blanket policy can we?EvanH said:Sawyers02 said:How is it Microcenters fault that they only received certain cards. Honestly if I was a higher up there I would let the store manager handle the launch that is happening at His/Her store. Everyone seems to be angry with the store and company but honestly they are doing the best they can with the circumstances. Give them some slack. Want to be mad at someone? Be mad a NVIDIA. Also look at the fact that you are the ones standing in line for a card that your mad at the manufacture for not making enough and are still willing to buy it...
I stood in line for the 3080 and got a card at MSRP so I do feel like I can comment on the topic.
I get the frustration on this topic in particular, mostly because of the variable experience that is offered, but I don't believe there is a way to satisfy everyone. I believe if an SOP were made to give vouchers for the first X number of people to show up and then give out nothing more, people will feel cheated that they didn't get a voucher when others did, or they'll choose to wait anyways in the hopes that new stock will arrive, regardless of the system put in-place. I personally think leaving the launch procedures up to the various management teams of each store was the best decision given the circumstances. I can tell you that from my location here at the home office, I haven't the slightest clue what each store is dealing with in terms of their customer volumes as well as their local pandemic laws and regulations in-place. I also believe that they know their stores better than anyone and likely have the best judgement on how to handle the surge in customers based on previous product launches. Remember that their has been further complicated by this pandemic and that their #1 priority is making sure everyone shopping in-store is doing so safely.
Speaking of the pandemic, the circumstances surrounding this launch is pretty much unprecedented. Not only are the cards themselves in a much higher demand compared to previous generations, but it's in such a high demand in the middle of a global pandemic which is no doubt impacting manufacturing due to accommodating for social distancing and other safety-based factors. Marketing teams, design teams and programmers working from home, not communicating as frequently as they normally would. Shipping & logistic companies working at reduced staffing, coupled with procedures in-place that involve extended periods of self-quarantines to ensure the safety of their employees all throughout the manufacturing and supply chain.
I don't believe there will ever be a "fair" policy to give everyone an equal opportunity to get a new RTX 3000 series GPU. We disabled online reservations and made it first come, first serve as we believed that would keep things fair, but there will be those that cannot dedicate time to wait overnight like we've seen here in this thread that will feel cheated despite our original intentions to keep things fair. The simple truth of the matter is the demand for these GPU's are extremely high right now and the supply is extremely low. People will feel cheated regardless of how this is handled until ample supply exists. It's for this reason that I advise people to use this to their advantage to soak in the reviews for the various cards that are launching so they know for a fact which GPU they actually want when the supply chain is stable.
I won't ask anyone to be any more patient than they've already been, and believe me, we appreciate everyone working with us as we adapt to this entire launch situation. The important thing to remember is that we all want the same thing. We all want to see each other get the GPU that they've been waiting for and are doing everything we can to assist in that endeavor. Some of you have been going above and beyond to report what you are seeing at your various locations and that speaks volumes to our little community as a whole. As cheesy as it sounds every time I say it, thank you everyone for continuing to help each other out. -
Juanandonly said:AntzC said:I actually got a 3090 online couldn't believe when my credit card notification rang. Good luck to anyone still trying to get this!
You needed access to the link that takes you to the page where it automatically adds the card into your cart in checkout and all you have to do then is just enter last three numbers on card and choose shipping. People were posting it on reddit only reason I was able to get one.
Tustin receiving an extra shipment of 3090's:
It's hard to hear in the stream, but Joanna was #96 on the Wait List for 3080s IF any arrived.Surprise surprise, Tustin MicroCenter received FIVE 3080s today and because so many ppl dropped out of the 3080 list, Joanna was able to obtain one of the five despite being #96:
https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazonianGoldenMonkeyVoHiYo -
Has anyone seen any stock at all of the EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra? Wondering if the shipments have hit MC yet.
Tim0808 said:Not me but look what has been facilitatedHi all,I noticed that there have been some questionable online listings using other's/old photos of our vouchers on third party sites. Just wanted to make sure that you know we care about our customers and want to advise you to please be cautious when shopping online. These items are highly sought after and we're going above and beyond our normal methods to get these products to you as soon as possible!I also wanted to mention that I'm grateful for how helpful you all have been with this release. As it's not possible for me to be there in line with you all waiting in line at the store, even though I wish I could be, I'm glad to see the community is helping to keep us all in the loop with updates and sharing your experience! It's great to have you all with us!Thanks for bearing with us! We'll keep you updated as we learn more!
Does anyone know if "higher end" cards will get their own release dates? looking specifically at EVGA hybrid release, Aorus Extreme release or Gaming X Trio restocks.
EDIT: Just called CDW out of Illinois, they will not cancel backorders unless the SKU# changes on the graphics card you have purchased. No idea what restock timeframe is, but I generally asked the rep "if there were 5,000 people ahead of me" and she seemed to brush it off saying they haven't had that many backorders. I don't know if that's 10 or 500, but anyone looking to avoid the restock stress should check them out. She convinced me, so I now have a preorder for the 3080 Gaming X Trio. Will edit again if order cancellation. -
Axel_McFly said:Has anyone seen any stock at all of the EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra? Wondering if the shipments have hit MC yet.
Keystone said:Does anyone know if "higher end" cards will get their own release dates? looking specifically at EVGA hybrid release, Aorus Extreme release or Gaming X Trio restocks.
EDIT: Just called CDW out of Illinois, they will not cancel backorders unless the SKU# changes on the graphics card you have purchased. No idea what restock timeframe is, but I generally asked the rep "if there were 5,000 people ahead of me" and she seemed to brush it off saying they haven't had that many backorders. I don't know if that's 10 or 500, but anyone looking to avoid the restock stress should check them out. She convinced me, so I now have a preorder for the 3080 Gaming X Trio. Will edit again if order cancellation. -
DougieNotFresh said:Keystone said:Does anyone know if "higher end" cards will get their own release dates? looking specifically at EVGA hybrid release, Aorus Extreme release or Gaming X Trio restocks.
EDIT: Just called CDW out of Illinois, they will not cancel backorders unless the SKU# changes on the graphics card you have purchased. No idea what restock timeframe is, but I generally asked the rep "if there were 5,000 people ahead of me" and she seemed to brush it off saying they haven't had that many backorders. I don't know if that's 10 or 500, but anyone looking to avoid the restock stress should check them out. She convinced me, so I now have a preorder for the 3080 Gaming X Trio. Will edit again if order cancellation.
Indeed. -
I do remember tustin MC did specificly say that there will be 3080 restock this week, meaning there has to be a restock within the next 3 days.......I hope.
Anyone have know if the Cambridge store plans to restock 3080s before Monday?
Does anyone know if microcenter will be getting the founders cards at a later date? Or just not going to carry them at all?
@SmolPotato When did you hear that? I believe I read something about Tustin getting more 3080s yesterday, which may mean that they already received that shipment and have already sold out again.@Dragmire I haven't heard anything this morning but I'd recommend visiting the store sometime this week.@Itsjoeyy117 I believe we're supposed to be getting the FE cards later in the year, but I haven't received an official document stating so. Hopefully, that will change soon, but with stock being so limited at the moment, I can't make promises.
Anyone have word on the Chicago store? They're not really being transparent about whether or not they've received shipments of 3080s and some of us live like at least an hour away from the store. Hate to make the trip out there just to find out they don't have any.
Has ANYONE been able to purchase a 3080 card this week by just showing up at an MC? Just got back from a 2 hour round trip to the Dallas MC, only to be greeted by a sign that says “All 3080 cards are sold out”.
PC_Pilot said:Has ANYONE been able to purchase a 3080 card this week by just showing up at an MC? Just got back from a 2 hour round trip to the Dallas MC, only to be greeted by a sign that says “All 3080 cards are sold out”.
@PC_Pilot Same problem here in Chicago. The store has not been very transparent in my communications with them about availability.
Hello @MaxHeadroom and @PC_Pilot
It's hard to tell with the stock of our 3080s since as soon as we get stock, they are instantly sold to the people waiting for them. My best recommendation if you want a 3080 is heading to the store and waiting for shipments to arrive. As soon as a shipment arrives, it is sold on a first come first serve basis. -
@PC_Pilot i’ve been to mine (Parkville) twice and they have yet to have any stock since the initial launch.
I stopped by my local store (Westmont) this morning. They were receiving 2 FedEx deliveries as I waited for the doors to open. EVGA boxes, and MSI boxes. Asked an associate if there was a chance he knew or could check what was received and was immediately shut down and not very nicely, without even so much as asking someone what showed up. They were also saying things very inconsistent with what I’ve read on this thread (could have changed, I haven’t been here for like 10 pages) that the best place to check for stock is online. I know in one of the older pages we were told contacting the store would be the best bet, as the online stocking has been very weird with the way skus were being created and added. Not very happy with micro center at the moment...kind of killed the little bit of my enthusiasm I had left about 30 series.
@OFalk280 Dude I feel you. Before the release of the 3080 I regularly attempted reaching out my store here in Chicago, asking about policies and procedures for how the 3080 is going to launch. The forums all talked about vouchers and lining up early and such, but the Chicago store refused to give me a clear answer, they wouldn't even say if MC would be releasing the 3080s on launch day. Whatever info I could get was from the forums 'cause the store just refused to communicate with me on anything. They were also telling me inconsistent things with what was said on the forums here. Come launch day I decided to just arrive at 3:30am at MC and wait in line. People were already ahead of me, and that was fine with me. If I didn't walk out with a card that day, I would've been fine with it 'cause I did as much as I could from my part in showing up early. But I waited until the manager showed up, and the due straight up said to everyone that they had already handed out vouchers last night to people who were waiting after the store had closed at 9:00pm and they maybe had only like one or two more cards coming in. So basically I stood in line since 3:30am just to be told they weren't gonna have enough cards because they already gave out vouchers last night. Again, zero communication that was done to me and everyone there. If I had known that I needed to show up the night before just to get a voucher, I would've done that. If I had known all the cards were already accounted for then I would not have wasted my time getting up so early and waiting more than seven hours just to be told no.
All in all this launch has been extremely bad experience for me, made worse by the fact that the MC here in Chicago is just refusing to say if and when they'll have cards. Even now, they keep telling me to check the forums and ask my questions here, and they keep telling me they have no idea when they're going to get another shipment of cards. I'm not even asking if they'll have a lot of cards, I'm just asking when. I hope this is not a reflection of how MCs are everywhere 'cause as it is right now I don't really have a good opinion of MC, at least not the one here in Chicago. And it looks like the one in Westmont isn't any different. -
Oh and the Chicago store tells me the same thing, check online for availability. But I'll tell you right now, I was monitoring the site while I was waiting in line on the 18th. I saw the minute that the 3080s appeared on MC's website, they already appeared as "sold out," and this was before the store was even open and before the cards were supposed to even go on sale online at other retailers. So I don't know what strange stuff is going on with MC's website, but I know for a fact at least the associates at the Chicago store are blatantly brushing people off because they don't want to be bothered about the 3080s. Honestly if they just simply were transparent about the 3080s, instead of acting like it's this top secret product the public doesn't need to know about, I'd be a lot less pissed.
17th, not 18th. My bad.
Hello @OFalk280
I apologize for the issues you are having when it comes to getting a 3000 series GPU. We are advising customers go to the store as stock online is not going to be accurate with the stock the store gets. As soon as the store gets stock, they are instantly sold to those who were waiting at the store. We will be following up with our Westmont location regarding what the sales consultant informed you with to prevent further confusion.
In the end, if you want a 3080/3090, your best option is coming to the store to wait, as there are others doing the same as well waiting for the them to come in stock.
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