RTX 3000 Series Micro Center Discussion & FAQ!
@Punisher and @NickRH199
At this point it seems like that's what they're suggesting. I did exactly this, going to the store, last Saturday. I was first in line and was met with the exact same type of response as here on the forums. That not a single person has any clue of anything that is going on. They told me shipments just arrive at random moments in the day and if I wanted a card I'd have to wait at the store. I'll be honest, I kind of lost my patience then and there and told the rep he can't expect me to wait at MC all day waiting for another FedEx truck to show up, and that's assuming one even shows up at all. I have other things going on in my life like a girlfriend, a job, a family, and my dog. I don't have the capacity to just dedicate days of my life to waiting inside or outside of a door, and I personally don't believe anyone should be allowed to do that at all, camping out for days at a time during launches. It just creates an unfair system where people who are as avid of gamers as those who would camp out at a store days ahead of a launch don't have the benefit of at least trying to enjoy a new product on launch day just because they have other commitments in life that they value greatly. But right now it feels like MC is creating the expectation that if you really want a 3080 that bad right now then you need to start camping out at the store, check in every half hour or so, and always be the first one there when the store opens every single day, because not a single person has any idea what is going on. I love gaming and I'm willing to show up early THE NIGHT BEFORE, not days freaking ahead of launch, for a game I really am excited for or a product I'm really excited for. But I also love my family, my significant other, my dog, and my job. I know MC isn't explicitly advising we do this - though it feels like it's being strongly hinted at by everyone - but I'm not gonna spend my days waiting at the store for something that I don't even know if it's gonna arrive.
I guess to finish off my rant, I don't think even after all this blows over I'll be going back to MC. I might do the occasional visit but my experience with the chain has just left a really bad taste in my mouth. There is a very clear lack of communication with their customers and right now the only thing keeping my tied to MC is the fact that I have a dead GPU with a warranty on it that I was hoping to use for the 3080 instead of just immediately replacing it with the same GPU or a different when that's not current. But after that, I don't really wish to come back to MC. I went to the Chicago store this past Saturday to make an attempt at getting a 3080. I was first in line and there had to have been at least 20 or so people behind me - I assume for the same reason, if not for the 3090. Managers had showed up about three or four hours before the store opened and staff were slowly trickling in from there. Not once did it occur anyone to tell all these people waiting that there weren't any 3080s on the shelves. Maybe they were relying on the "3080/90 sold out" signs they had posted all over the store windows, but with the conflicting information we've been getting between the forums, what the reps say, and what other people's experiences with MC have been, it's really hard to tell whether the sold out signs are being truthful. Regardless, once the store opened we all looked for the 3080s and they were nowhere to be found. I wasn't mad or upset. I knew that was a very real possibility. But I thought my visit wouldn't be all that pointless if I managed to gather some more information from someone at the store, instead of the frequent automated messages and replies I got from whatever text based messaging system MC has. I spoke to a rep, asked about the 3080, and he matter of factly pointed at a sold out sign on the wall and told me the 3080s are sold out. Knowing very well what my answer was gonna be at that point, 'cause I could tell this rep just did not want to be bothered about the 3080s, I asked anyway when they will have another shipment. And that's when the whole waiting forever at MC conversation started. I really lost my patience when I asked why they couldn't just be honest about whether or not they're getting shipments because everyone is saying conflicting things, between my communications with the national line, the text messaging, and the forums, and he told me in a smart ass tone, "Well if I said the cards are coming on this or that day, well then I'd be a liar." Needless to say, I needed to end the conversation at that point because I was infuriated so I just told the rep "Ok" and left the store disappointed. Not so much because I didn't get a 3080, but more so because I left more confused than ever on what to do with regards to getting a 3080 from MC and because it seems like the reps at MC have a habit of talking to people condescendingly. I once asked through text when was the last time they received a shipment, 'cause I figured maybe I could just use that to kind of gauge when shipments are being received between the launch and whatever date they give me to at least estimate when it would be worth going to MC to try and get a 3080. But the response I got was just a very obviously automated, "Thank you for contacting MC...we don't have an ETA on shipments...please visit forums, etc." Maybe it's the pandemic, maybe it's the stress of dealing with a huge demand for a product, but I've been on that side of the retail before and I've dealt with customers who you can look at and objectively agree, "Yeah that person was being a real jerk," and I don't honestly believe I've ever in my entire life been that type of customer in any place I go to. If anything, I'll be frank I have a habit of not really speaking up for myself and letting others walk over me. I more or less understand the limitations of things, that's why I haven't really been all too upset that I don't have a 3080 'cause I knew that could be a very real possibility and I don't really place blame on anyone for that, except I guess Nvidia because they really screwed everyone over. But it would've been nice to have some more transparency. So I don't know, that experience, on top of reports that there's something wrong with the 3080s, on top of conflicting information from every source, has just left a really bad taste in my mouth. At this point I've kinda given up on getting a 3080, my excitement for it is virtually nonexistent now, and I don't really feel comfortable returning to MC. If anything, like I said, I'll probably just return so I can use the warranty I have on my dead GPU and then be done completely with all of this. -
I live about 40 minutes away from the only MC in Michigan, the fastest route is covered in construction work. I've gone 3 times in the past two weeks, once around noon and was told 3 cards came in randomly around 11am and then twice I went at opening to 0 cards coming in. It would be awesome if I could text my actual local store to see if any cards have come in for the day instead of BS "go to your nearest store for information". Sorry but I can't drive 40 minutes there each day and wait around, I'm one of the lucky people who still has a job right now.
I truly cannot fathom why there isn't a pre-order system in place. Let us put down a deposit for a card and when it is our turn, we get 24 hours to pick it up or else your name goes to the bottom of the list. 1 freaking person could manage that, I've seen multiple employees standing around doing absolutely nothing but talk to each other, ya'll are not at busy as you think you are. -
I think that the potential for abuse in any sort of written system would be too great to make it fair. for everyone as there is nothing stopping the employee from moving a friend to the front of the list. It would have to be something electronic with the only editing options being something like picked up or canceled (and canceled would have to require the person to login so they just can't randomly cancel people). I'd say a preorder system that is run entirely by corporate and it would have to be aware of what comes into the stores to monitor any shenanigans going on at store level.
I was not referring to how many were ordered vs how many actually get sent to the store, I'm referring to how many are shipped to the stores in general. There is usually some sort of paperwork getting sent electronically like a bill of lading or an invoice saying Product Widget: Ordered 100 Sent 2. Then you at least know that 2 are on the way (and usually with tracking)
Even forgetting them being sent ahead of time, they still get paperwork when they are received and we are still told that nobody knows what's in the boxes at all and won't know until they have time to actually unbox everything.
Even then, check the paperwork and say yep, we confirmed they didn't come in, or yep x amount came in but we do not know when we will get to them (because I understand that in cases where everything is just mixed in multiple boxes you don't know what's in each individual box until you open it) This would be different for 10 boxes labeled EVGA that just came off of Fed Ex for example as you could then know more specifically if cards are in them..
I could also understand that yes they are in receiving but we don't know when they will be processed.
Also, even between managers, I can't get a consistent answer. One says all deliveries arrive before the store opens and another r says they happen throughout the day.
This inconsistency is not just for the 3080's... I can't even get the same answer twice when I ask about your warranties. So I don't know if the employees in general are told to just give random answers when you don't know or if the entire store needs to be retrained. -
Hello! I’m a student at SMU Guildhall studying Simulation and game art. I’ve finally had a chance to put together a pc with specs capable of fast processing of the software I use for design, including working on the new UE5 when it comes out. It’s currently sitting and waiting with an empty graphics slot. My question is how can I guarantee getting my hands on the 3070 before everyone tries to snatch them for resale. I know you guys said no lines but I just want to know if I park and wait hours before the store opens will I have a fighting chance before people shove through the door on opening?
I've been waiting outside for a card for over a week now waiting for the 3080 stock, hoping every morning they get stock, to afraid to leave my spot in line just in case they get more. Hopefully they don't start charging me rent.
There is no definitive answer because it sounds like each store does its own thing. The thing that seems to work the best is to wait outside the store on the day of release and hope you are first in line. Maybe see what the store plans on doing a day or two before and hope you get the correct story from someone. -
Punisher said:@Simon
There is no definitive answer because it sounds like each store does its own thing. The thing that seems to work the best is to wait outside the store on the day of release and hope you are first in line. Maybe see what the store plans on doing a day or two before and hope you get the correct story from someone. -
I'm a little disappointed with the NJ Paterson location. This morning - the 3080 TUF series was posted as in-stock and said LIMITED AVAILABILITY. I immediately went to the site to wait in line. There was no signs on the store as to the quantity or what was going on. No manager communication until 9:53 when he came out and said there was only 1 available. I was completely disappointed that I had waiting 1+ hour in line and drove to the location to find out limited availability meant only 1. Also, no signs on the store or any communication from the manager left a lot to be desired. This left a very sour taste in my mouth.
I’m really getting sick of the mile long posts from people upset at MicroCenter, because they are choosing with their own free will to drive somewhere, or wait in a line, for a 1% chance they might get lucky.Just stop! If you’re the type of Karen/Ken who is going to turn that into someone else’ fault, just stop. Stop crying about it here. Stop showing up at stores every morning. Wait for them to be regularly in stock, then pick one up. No one is making you race to be the first to get one.And to the guy who is SO upset that he just “won’t be able to return to MC after all this blows over”; come on now. Unless someone starts NannoCenter across the street, you’ll be back the next time you want something shiny. There’s no brick and mortar alternative. Empty threats don’t help anyone, and your Individual money isn’t THAT important.
I haven't been waiting every single morning - this was the first and only time I've waited due to them saying LIMITED AVAILABILITY on their own website. If you don't know how many are going to be available, why deceptively put that on your public website when you 100% know how popular these cards are and aren't sure how many you'll be receiving? Also, I was just asking for communication from the manager when they realized they had only 1 instead of allowing everyone to wait in line for 30+ minutes for no reason at all and just telling everyone 5 minutes before store opening. A sign on the door saying there might be only one available would have gone a long way as well. Communication is critical here and there was none. Appreciate your helpful commentary @Brad_Isnard.
Was there any restock of 3080s today at Tustin? I wanted to confirm because I heard there was.
@SmolPotato Yes, I did see that some ASUS TUF cards were delivered at Tustin this morning.
Hey, @Chess3007. I wanted to share a little info that I learned after speaking with some of our store management. I learned that the reason that we have it listed as Limited Availability is that it's limited and we don't know the exact count we'll receive. We're typically expecting between 1 and 10 cards. In some cases, we have expected 10 and received 1. The manager, at the earliest, would know 2 hours before the store opens, but as you can see from other posts and comments, we are receiving new inventory directly from the manufacturers at random times throughout the day.We are still actively working on better ways to share information with you and other customers about the inventory that we have available, and we'll continue to do our best to get more stock quickly.
I have been following this thread for a while and haven’t replied but I just wanted to add that I arrived at the Columbus microcenter this morning at 9am.... no one there outside but the guy washing the windows, and an employee came out and greeted me within a few minutes of me arriving to let me know that they had received one 3080 and handed me a voucher for it. He didn’t know which one it was off the top of his head but I was tickled to have the voucher and wait to see which model it was. Now I’ve already kind of made up my mind that, at present, there are only a few models I’d be willing to buy, and unfortunately the model they had in was a PNY 3080, so I passed on the card and let another guy that came to wait after I did, and stuck around just in case they had more come up have the opportunity. I’m happy to wait for the model I want, and I hope the gentleman that got the PNY 3080 enjoys it! I’m not qualified to say the PNY is bad or good, I’m just not familiar with it and in the moment didn’t want to spend that much money on something I haven’t had the chance to research enough to feel comfortable buying. The point is, my 1060 will “work” till the 3080s are in good enough supply to get the one I want. I hope people can realize this too and not take it out on the microcenter staff for the scarce availability , I know others may have had bad experiences, but save for a few case fans and an OS I have bought all my pc hardware at microcenter over the last 15 years or so because of the level of knowledge, sincerity, and customer service I have experienced at the Columbus store. Every time I go there I have a good time and am taken care of. Now, I’ve been there probably 8 times this month, few times sorting out new of build, and 3080 hunting and from what I’ve seen the staff are doing the best they can with the 3080s and I’ll be happy to keep going back until they get the one I want in stock. Good luck to everyone hunting one, and thank you to all the microcenter staff!
Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?
Dex_Lucis5 said:Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?
Dallas has 14 3080’s and 1 3090. 11-12 people in lone currently.
Does anyone know if the Dallas MC will restock for Sunday or later today? They only had 10 today and they are already sold out.
Anyone been to Chicago or Westmont MC? Ya'll know if they have stock or will have stock?
Could anyone chime in on whether there is a restock of the 3080s at St. David's square in PA?
Dex_Lucis5 said:Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?vadersdad said:Dex_Lucis5 said:Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?LandShark said:
Hey, @Chess3007. I wanted to share a little info that I learned after speaking with some of our store management. I learned that the reason that we have it listed as Limited Availability is that it's limited and we don't know the exact count we'll receive. We're typically expecting between 1 and 10 cards. In some cases, we have expected 10 and received 1. The manager, at the earliest, would know 2 hours before the store opens, but as you can see from other posts and comments, we are receiving new inventory directly from the manufacturers at random times throughout the day.We are still actively working on better ways to share information with you and other customers about the inventory that we have available, and we'll continue to do our best to get more stock quickly.
I'm checking out Denver tomorrow morning, let's see if I get lucky.
Marietta location got 8 cards Friday around noon, was able to get an EVGA FTW3 Ultra. I'm not sure if the other 7 were FTW3 Ultras, but they didn't last long.
TSTonyV said:Dex_Lucis5 said:Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?vadersdad said:Dex_Lucis5 said:Does anyone know if MC restocks on Saturdays, is it worth driving 35 minutes to try and get one this morning?LandShark said:
Hey, @Chess3007. I wanted to share a little info that I learned after speaking with some of our store management. I learned that the reason that we have it listed as Limited Availability is that it's limited and we don't know the exact count we'll receive. We're typically expecting between 1 and 10 cards. In some cases, we have expected 10 and received 1. The manager, at the earliest, would know 2 hours before the store opens, but as you can see from other posts and comments, we are receiving new inventory directly from the manufacturers at random times throughout the day.We are still actively working on better ways to share information with you and other customers about the inventory that we have available, and we'll continue to do our best to get more stock quickly. -
Is there a reason why in the middle of a pandemic this cannot be reserved online and be picked up at the store say 1 hour max?
Axel_McFly said:Marietta location got 8 cards Friday around noon, was able to get an EVGA FTW3 Ultra. I'm not sure if the other 7 were FTW3 Ultras, but they didn't last long.
Why not make a wait list and notify people when the item in stock? -
I have tried to call the Marietta Store so many times even before the 3080 was announced and they never answer their phones. They are the closest to me but that is still a 4hr round trip drive. It would be nice to be able to at least speak with someone before making the drive.
Joker4L said:I have tried to call the Marietta Store so many times even before the 3080 was announced and they never answer their phones. They are the closest to me but that is still a 4hr round trip drive. It would be nice to be able to at least speak with someone before making the drive.
Second mistake is calling at all. They have a central call center with no pertinent info about 3080/90s. -
There's already a line for the 3070, this is nuts. The guy said the line for the 3090 started twice as early as the 3080, so he figured the line for the 3070 would start twice as early as the 3090, so he got in line. He also said the 70 class cards are the most popular and are the card most people will get so he got in line already. This is insane.
tried calling the Cambridge MA store a bunch this week, 5 times today alone. no answer, whats the point in having the number available if they aren't going to connect me to them ever.
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