AMD Zen 3/Ryzen 5000 Series Launch Discussion
gokitty199 said:6 people now at Fairfax location. again from what I was told (so take with a grain of salt) the 5900x and 5800x seem plentiful enough to not rush for them, the 5950x seem like their very limited.
Anyone get in touch with Westbury?
3 people lined up already
Do you know how many 5950x stock they have? -
Only 12?? Yikes, I was definitely hoping for a lot more. Planning on getting to brooklyn store early in the am. Hopefully that will be enough. In a perfect world, these will pop up on Amazon or new egg before then and I can sleep in.
5950x also in stock!
I just spoke to someone at the Houston location on the phone and he said he did not show that they were going to have the 5900x and he couldnt say for sure about the 5800's on launch day. *cry* I dont understand it myself so you guys in line might want to ask an employee on the floor if you can or call the houston number and wait on hold like i did. He stated other locations would have it but he didnt show any for houston location.
Subtle said:5950x also in stock!
Awesome! Do you know how many? Are there a bunch of new people in line now? -
Jori said:I just spoke to someone at the Houston location on the phone and he said he did not show that they were going to have the 5900x and he couldnt say for sure about the 5800's on launch day. *cry* I dont understand it myself so you guys in line might want to ask an employee on the floor if you can or call the houston number and wait on hold like i did. He stated other locations would have it but he didnt show any for houston location.
I was about to ask if anyone had any numbers from the Houston store. -
#8 at Fairfax. Was planning on showing up later but the earlier posts had me worried about how many were gonna show up!
Edit: 9 people now. -
Marietta has full lineup in system, I was told they have 12 5900x, and a similar amount for the others.
4 people are lined up -
7 people at Dallas location now
phat1 said:gokitty199 said:6 people now at Fairfax location. again from what I was told (so take with a grain of salt) the 5900x and 5800x seem plentiful enough to not rush for them, the 5950x seem like their very limited.
Jori said:I just spoke to someone at the Houston location on the phone and he said he did not show that they were going to have the 5900x and he couldnt say for sure about the 5800's on launch day. *cry* I dont understand it myself so you guys in line might want to ask an employee on the floor if you can or call the houston number and wait on hold like i did. He stated other locations would have it but he didnt show any for houston location.
Hey! I am definitely hopping in line for the Ryzen 7 5800x tomorrow. I am at the columbus ohio store. Does anyone have a gauge for what time i need to be there to get a processor?
Hey! I am definitely hopping in line for the Ryzen 7 5800x tomorrow. I am at the columbus ohio store. Does anyone have a gauge for what time i need to be there to get a processor?
Anybody got any info on whats available at the PA store? How many 5950xs or 5900xs?
VitorVicente said:RJTCeltics said:VitorVicente said:MrUnderPants said:@VitorVicente thank you so much for response! I was told as well that it'll be like the 30 series. But I have heard that stock wont be as bad as the 30xxx. Im hoping the car queue was in Houston, TX that'd be amazing for me. Anyone who has info for Houston MC then that would be amazing
Anyone at St Louis Park location yet?
Anyone in line at Westmont, IL yet? I'm just looking for a 5800X and would settle for a 5600X. I'm thinking about heading out around midnight if I have to.
gokitty199 said:phat1 said:gokitty199 said:Update, 5900x count should be around 20 units, less 5950x's but they do have them from what was relayed from an employee to one other person that was here so hopefully that's correct. If you want a 5950x it seems like you may want to hustle down here before others though, currently 4 people here as of posting this, 1 is grabbing a 5950x.
@gokitty199 you are instore right now for tomorrow's release?
I will also be going for 5900X as well -
I just came home from the Flushing location, and they already have the signs up by the diy section. The guys told me they already have stock of all processors and they were clearing up the top row where the amd motherboards are to put the X570 motherboards, also there was no line when I was there at 5PM. So if you live in the NYC vicinity, I suggest to go to Flushing.
Guys, they are under NDAs, thats why no one gives actual info!!!
Microcenter twitter confirmed they have every chip on release, although no numbers, but I've gotten some small hints, and apparently there'll be plenty of stock, some people even said we didnt need to camp -
Xkix said:Anyone in Paterson I left but I’m coming back at midnight
I might stop by later tonight to check the lines then gonna come back at around 5am, if you're there i'll say hi haha
VitorVicente said:Guys, they are under NDAs, thats why no one gives actual info!!!
Microcenter twitter confirmed they have every chip on release, although no numbers, but I've gotten some small hints, and apparently there'll be plenty of stock, some people even said we didnt need to camp
nda lifts on release, so like 9am EST
KrimsonRelic said:Jori said:I just spoke to someone at the Houston location on the phone and he said he did not show that they were going to have the 5900x and he couldnt say for sure about the 5800's on launch day. *cry* I dont understand it myself so you guys in line might want to ask an employee on the floor if you can or call the houston number and wait on hold like i did. He stated other locations would have it but he didnt show any for houston location.
anyone in Cambridge camping out?
@bbnn lol sounds good if the line is low I’m gonna sleep in my car what chip you trying to get? 5950x for me
If anyone else is in Dallas or hears about the counts of 5900x and 5950x, please let me know!
DOTmjo said:anyone in Cambridge camping out?
3rd in Patterson.. I heard there gonna have a lot. About 20x 5900X. 5950x is unverified. Expected to have a lot of 5800X/5600x.. I heard 80 or so 5800X..
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