AMD Zen 3/Ryzen 5000 Series Launch Discussion
Fwiw the Paterson, NJ location is also in a 50% reduced tax zone. So I would assume it's the preferred location for many people, especially people from NYC.If anyone is going to St David's I'd love an update tomorrow. I want to buy a complete system when I get there but I'm not making the trip if they don't have a processor.
Wondering about Marietta, was gonna head down from Chattanooga tonight.
Wondering about Marietta, was gonna head down from Chattanooga tonight.
CrimsonRelic said:VitorVicente said:CrimsonRelic said:Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
They asked what CPU I was waiting for, I said 5900x, they said ok good because there won't be any 5950x til December. -
Just got to Dallas MC. I’m number 1 currently. AND they confirmed that they will have all the CPUs INCLUDING 5950x
Vermeer CPUs are listed online now, but only the 5600X, 5800X and 5900X
ProfPoopy said:CrimsonRelic said:VitorVicente said:CrimsonRelic said:Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
They asked what CPU I was waiting for, I said 5900x, they said ok good because there won't be any 5950x til December. -
CrispyBudder said:Just got to Dallas MC. I’m number 1 currently. AND they confirmed that they will have all the CPUs INCLUDING 5950x
Does anyone know what the Chicago location is supposed to look like tomorrow? I plan to buy the 5600x and will get there around 7am. Should I try to get there earlier?
It seems like most people aren't looking to buy the 5600x from what I'm reading.
I'd also like to add that I spoke to someone at the store just now and they said they will not be giving our vouchers until 9am when they open. -
VitorVicente said:SomeRandomGuy said:VitorVicente said:SomeRandomGuy said:Honestly I’m five hours away from where I need to from past experiences should I leave now and go early or be there by 11-midnight? I’m so worried!? Lol
This appears for the 5600X, 5800X, and 5900X. Does that mean MC isn't allowing us to place orders online to pick up in store? Wouldn't they rather have that than have crowds of people rushing the stores? -
If anyone else is in Dallas or hears about the counts of 5900x and 5950x, please let me know!
Hey all, first time attempting a launch event. Currently deciding between Fairfax MC and Rockville MC, anyone have a preference between the two?
In regards to the location in Fairfax, I am currently the only one here, I'll post updates every few hours with regards to the line
Vaggeto said:If anyone else is in Dallas or hears about the counts of 5900x and 5950x, please let me know!
Anyone in paterson location?
5950x is up on the website now. Showing available tomorrow.
bbnn said:Anyone in paterson location?
Anyone here going to the Georgia locations? Duluth or Marietta? Or even there already?
I'm at the Cambridge location, they guaranteed stock, but said they had a NDA and couldn't disclose anything else
@gokitty199 you are instore right now for tomorrow's release (17 hours from now)?
I am also thinking about going instore to Fairfax location, I was able to get a RTX 3070 online via Bestbuy. But AMD has not released it official release time and vendors.
Wranglher said:@gokitty199 you are instore right now for tomorrow's release (17 hours from now)?
mrdoubtfull said:bbnn said:Anyone in paterson location?
yeap i live close by, might stop by tonight to check lines but planning on going tomorrow, not gonna camp out, i texted them and they said they were not gonna be doing vouchers which kinda sucks. planning on opening a CC too if i can secure a processor
Currently 2nd of 3 at Mayfield location
RocketStation said:Anyone here going to the Georgia locations? Duluth or Marietta? Or even there already?
Is anyone at the houston location yet?
Saltymuffin said:Is anyone at the houston location yet?
gokitty199 said:In regards to the location in Fairfax, I am currently the only one here, I'll post updates every few hours with regards to the line
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