AMD Zen 3/Ryzen 5000 Series Launch Discussion
Did he mention 5950x in Dallas?
Vaggeto said:Did he mention 5950x in Dallas?
A few weeks ago they got 3 5950x on a late night friday shipment which is abormal for them but even getting there around 6Am there was a line of people just randomly hoping for the best. Kinda crazy to camp out for the chance of 1 night in around 4-5 weeks when they get more in stock.
I got lucky - got a 3090 (currently in my old 4.4GHz 5930k build) from amazon. Also got 3080 today (EVGA queue) and 6900xt (AMD site - had 5950x and this card in my cart - dunno what happened - only got the card). I am willing to sell the 3080/6900xt (new in box) at MSRP if I could just get the 5950x. Anyone willing to camp out at Cambridge Microcenter for me (I know that doesn't really help - been there, done that!! Any other suggestions?
Anyone living near the Tustin that knows the delivery days? I have no problem going early to wait for one; I understand I must suffer somewhat because of shortages. But I'm also 40 miles away and showing up regularly just to find out what day to go is a bit rough.I really appreciate it.New Be...
I was told I should watch the Announcements page to see if stores have gotten stock in of Ryzen processors, would something like that be in this thread or a new thread or where they just pulling my leg?
Hi @JonBoy If we received any announcements about stock or changes for the Ryzen processors, we'll be sure to make an update about it here or in a new post. However, for the stock, we'd recommend keeping an eye on our website. We're still waiting on AMD to manufacture and deliver more stock of the new processors at this time. AMD did release a statement a bit ago about how they expect the stock and inventory levels to normalize a bit more at the beginning of 2021. Hopefully, that will be the case, although the demand for these new items is truly unprecedented so only time will tell! Thanks for your understanding!
As elusive the processors are the graphics cards are even more so. I finally was able to score a 5950 on an online retailers website but radeon graphics cards are about impossible to find. Newegg will have them for half of a second and they are gone such a terrible system they have. Im hoping microcenter will start having more stock soon.
25+ 5800Xs showed up in Denver yesterday - 2nd time after launch day and since they lasted more than a day last time, I went and bought one rather than holding out for the 5600x which I haven't seen since launch.Afterwards I got an email for the free Far Cry download. Is it locked to the processor or my email or can I gift it to someone like a nephew? I'm not a gamer and no longer even use Windows.
there were some stock of ryzen processors at Fairfax, VA, but you had to be in line prior to 7am (over 100+) to get a chance at them. Apparently the potential of large shipments of AMD cpu's according to the Scan UK news did not materialize in the US.
I am trying to score 5900x in Denver. Has anyone had any luck with this model at that location?
any updates on 5950x at Tustin, CA location?
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