AMD Zen 3/Ryzen 5000 Series Launch Discussion
CrimsonRelic said:Saltymuffin said:Is anyone at the houston location yet?
How are we doing in Denver? I'll try to get there prior to store opening.
What does the line look like in Marietta? I was thinking about going at 6 but may have to go sooner.
Anyone know about Tustin Stock?
Planning on going in the morning to Houston. I'm really only gunning for a 5600x. Depending on reviews might splurge for a 5800x if available.
Sloth said:Is anyone planning on going to the Sharonville OH location? I’ll likely get there around midnight.
How's it looking? Im heading over from louisville in the morning. Arrival 6am -
GoldieEsq said:Anyone waiting in Rockville yet? The microcenter store there just texted me back and said they were not allowing camping. I definitely saw that during the 3080/3090 release.
I want one of these chips, but not sure if it's worth all this hassle. I'm going to keep an eye out at other places and may swing by in the morning to see what's up. -
Anyone at the Madison Heights MC? Wondering if they will be doing vouchers or just First Come First Serve
GoldieEsq said:Anyone waiting in Rockville yet? The microcenter store there just texted me back and said they were not allowing camping. I definitely saw that during the 3080/3090 release.
TDRacin said:GoldieEsq said:Anyone waiting in Rockville yet? The microcenter store there just texted me back and said they were not allowing camping. I definitely saw that during the 3080/3090 release.
I want one of these chips, but not sure if it's worth all this hassle. I'm going to keep an eye out at other places and may swing by in the morning to see what's up. -
I asked the "Houston" Microcenter when they were going to hand out vouchers and they only replied with a link to this forum thread... lol, which of course I had already been reading.
So I'm not really sure I'd trust them honestly. -
anyone at the tustin store yet
4 of us lined up at the Dallas location now
OkieRising_Denver said:Any updates on the Denver location?
Chuckls_0925 said:Sloth said:Is anyone planning on going to the Sharonville OH location? I’ll likely get there around midnight.
How's it looking? Im heading over from louisville in the morning. Arrival 6am -
I was honestly hoping to show up at 8:30 am in Duluth and pick up a 5900x when they opened... maybe this is a pipe dream.
FirstTimeCamper said:OkieRising_Denver said:Any updates on the Denver location?
Hey! I am definitely hopping in line for the Ryzen 7 5800x tomorrow. I am at the columbus ohio store. Does anyone have a gauge for what time i need to be there to get a processor?
SomeRandomGuy said:How’s Tustin?
6 people now at Fairfax location. again from what I was told (so take with a grain of salt) the 5900x and 5800x seem plentiful enough to not rush for them, the 5950x seem like their very limited.
3 at Houston now. Supposedly no early vouchers this time. Had to post from a different account because for some reason my posts need to be approved now.
GoldieEsq said:TDRacin said:GoldieEsq said:Anyone waiting in Rockville yet? The microcenter store there just texted me back and said they were not allowing camping. I definitely saw that during the 3080/3090 release.
I want one of these chips, but not sure if it's worth all this hassle. I'm going to keep an eye out at other places and may swing by in the morning to see what's up. -
Houston people have they said how many they have yet?
Nathanael said:What does the line look like in Marietta? I was thinking about going at 6 but may have to go sooner.
I'm hoping to go here too, know anyone who knows what the dealio is on stock? -
Anyone at the Brentwood STL location?
gokitty199 said:6 people now at Fairfax location. again from what I was told (so take with a grain of salt) the 5900x and 5800x seem plentiful enough to not rush for them, the 5950x seem like their very limited.
Anyone at the one in Michigan yet?
Since the stores are open till 10 what are you guys doing? Just lining up near the entrance? I'm heading to scope one out right now 😉
Anyone in Paterson I left but I’m coming back at midnight
3 people lined up already
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