AMD Zen 3/Ryzen 5000 Series Launch Discussion
Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
CrimsonRelic said:Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
VitorVicente said:CrimsonRelic said:Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
They asked what CPU I was waiting for, I said 5900x, they said ok good because there won't be any 5950x til December. -
CrimsonRelic said:VitorVicente said:CrimsonRelic said:Also I was told 5950x won't be coming til December, for anyone who was going for that.
They asked what CPU I was waiting for, I said 5900x, they said ok good because there won't be any 5950x til December. -
24 Hours before the launch and we still don't have any details. Given the 30XX launches got a ton of prep and attention I'm really disappointed AMD isn't seeing the same treatment.
Anyone swing by the Fairfax store and see if line has started? Looks like low of 42degrees overnight.
Yeah I really don't want to bother waiting if there aren't going to be 5950Xs
AARGH said:Anyone swing by the Fairfax store and see if line has started? Looks like low of 42degrees overnight.
I still find it so weird that MC would delay the launch of 5950Xs when they are 800 USD CPUs, and there is a lot of demand for it... it seems like such a bad business decision...
Is anyone planning on going to the Sharonville OH location? I’ll likely get there around midnight.
VitorVicente said:I still find it so weird that MC would delay the launch of 5950Xs when they are 800 USD CPUs, and there is a lot of demand for it... it seems like such a bad business decision...
CrimsonRelic said:Hype isn't as big for the CPU's. I'm first in line in Houston.
MrUnderPants said:CrimsonRelic said:Hype isn't as big for the CPU's. I'm first in line in Houston.
Sloth said:Is anyone planning on going to the Sharonville OH location? I’ll likely get there around midnight.
This will be my first time getting AMD and im planning on getting 5900x. Im wondering if i should go to the Fairfax location early or not?
How do you guys wait in line for like overnight? How do you pee?
CrimsonRelic said:MrUnderPants said:CrimsonRelic said:Hype isn't as big for the CPU's. I'm first in line in Houston.
MrUnderPants said:CrimsonRelic said:MrUnderPants said:CrimsonRelic said:Hype isn't as big for the CPU's. I'm first in line in Houston.
johnnysd said:How do you guys wait in line for like overnight? How do you pee?Usually people are cool enough to respect your place in line for bathroom breaks.
Midnight party at marietta store? Haha distanced ofcourse
Anyone know what the Denver store looks like right now? I was thinking of showing up at 6am, but I might try to get there a little earlier. Anyone already lined up?
Stormlasher said:I’m heading up to Cambridge in about 4 hrs from now sofar as work permits I was 14th in line for a 3090 and I did not get one. I’m not going to miss out on this one nomatter what. As far as things go if a 3080 is in stock when I go inside will they be avalible to purchase so I could get a 3080/90 with a 5950/5900x ?
I plan on getting there at around 3am at the columbus location. Do you guys think that would be really enough to secure a 5600X? And do you know if they are handing out vouchers tonight before they close so I don't have to wait overnight?
Have we determined if the 5950x rumors about December availability are creditable? Wish Microcenter would tell us a little bit more info about this launch. Info such as expected stock numbers, etc. We are less than 24 hours away...
I can't wait to show up early and find out there's no or not enough stock at my local MC
Honestly I’m five hours away from where I need to from past experiences should I leave now and go early or be there by 11-midnight? I’m so worried!? Lol
SomeRandomGuy said:Honestly I’m five hours away from where I need to from past experiences should I leave now and go early or be there by 11-midnight? I’m so worried!? Lol
VitorVicente said:SomeRandomGuy said:Honestly I’m five hours away from where I need to from past experiences should I leave now and go early or be there by 11-midnight? I’m so worried!? Lol
SomeRandomGuy said:VitorVicente said:SomeRandomGuy said:Honestly I’m five hours away from where I need to from past experiences should I leave now and go early or be there by 11-midnight? I’m so worried!? Lol
Anybody at the Duluth or Marietta locations heard anything about stock? Thinking of coming around midnight. Don't know which store yet though. I live about an hour from both lol
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