How are payments applied to there Credit Card?
I've financed a new PC using the 12 month option. If I made another purchase using the 5% discount, is it possible for me to pay off that interest bearing portion of the balance? Or does my payment automatically go towards the financed portion of the bill?
Open Box items and Extended Warranty
I bought an "open box" printer and afterward realized I had not signed up for the 3 year warranty. I have not bought "open box" before. My practice in Microcenter in another state was to always buy a warranty. Can I get this for an open box item? Thanks. SusanT
Price match for purchase within the return period.
Do you price match past purchase that's within the return period? If you do, what's the process to get it done? The item was bought on 12/1, and Target has the same item on sale. Thanks!
What is the best way to get in contact about shipping schedules for 3080's?
I live in northeast Mississippi and the closest stores to me are the Marietta and Duluth stores in Georgia and also the Brentwood, Missouri. The FAQ about the random selection process says, " Shipments will vary by the store for these high-demand products as delivery dates and times are subject to change due to the nature…
Lost receipt
This discussion was created from comments split from: Lost receipt (In store).
Lost Receipt
Hello I lost my receipt and I was wondering if I can get a copy of it emailed to me. The only emails I have are the pick up confirmations and a purchase confirmation of one of the items. Please let me know what I can do to resolve this, thank you!
Could you please send me a copy of my store receipt? Purchase from 10/27/2021
Hello. I purchased a refurbished HP laptop on 10/27. The credit card transaction shows 10/29. <personal information removed by Admin> I mis-placed my receipt and I would like to give a copy of the receipt to my AP department. Thank you.
Warranty question
This discussion was created from comments split from: Warranty question.
Protection Plan Question
Do I need to keep the box my monitor came in if I had to bring it in?
What days should I wait in line at the Tustin store to get a GPU?
What days should I wait in line at the Tustin store to get a GPU?
If I choose to use the 5% off for my purchase, do I have to pay in full when bill comes in?
How do you file complaint about a employee.
Sales Employee had a lot of attitude and said "you must know the process" because I bought a gpu a month previous for me and this time for my buddy in north Carolina. He also said "you know we sell other stuff besides gpus" . Didn't appreciate experience and didn't feel welcomed at all for doing business with the store.
Order number page sent again
This discussion was created from comments split from: Didn't get the confirmation email.
Micro Center in Columbus
Drove 2 hours to visit the micro center in Columbus to pick up one of the ssd's that I got a coupon for. I have a friend that lives in columbus as well so drug him along so he could get one. Cashier refused to let me get one claiming that it was one per household, despite me clearly saying we don't live together and…
All order history is gone
Hi, I've had about 2 years worth of order history which all is gone. Worst part is I purchased service plans on my purchases and can't even use them now. Who's responsible?? Thanks
HELP PHONE CONTACT PROBLEM: No phone # available for Denver store.
Need urgent help today! Where is the phone # for the Denver store?
if i spec out a pc and buy it when its out of stock will it get delivered to a store and get made?
what would happen in this case
Hello, does the store ship in the US?
Did not receive receipt - Can you resend?
Hi - I would like to ask if it's possible to resend my receipt. The CSR said it was emailed but that email hasn't arrived yet and it's been awhile. I tried going to my account page for the receipt resend but there is no button. Can you help resend? do you need transaction #? Thank you!
I would like to know if you have in mind to open a store in the state of Florida where I live? , I spend a little work to acquire top-of-the-range products here
Black Friday Special Financing November 2021
Hello, Granted that we have a Microcenter insider credit card, is Microcenter promoting a 12 month financing payment option? If so, does this promotion include a 0% APR? Regards, -E
Cancel Pickup
This discussion was created from comments split from: Micro Center needs a phone number!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Temp Hold on card
I’m not sure if this is the way to go about this, but there is no way to email support. I attempted to place an order and kept getting the “Unable to verify billing address” message. After digging through the forums I got that sorted and my order is now pending. However, it appears all of the attempts I made have shown up…
Ordered and received no confirmation number.
Ordered HP laptop about 6:00pm November 30. Did my order go through? Debra Diroll
Receipt from past purchase
This discussion was created from comments split from: Receipt from past purchase.
Can I get an old receipt emailed to me?
Hello, I've lost a receipt and need a new one. From my understanding I can get a new one if I provide the credit card information that was used in purchasing the item.
Will micro center finish my build?
Started a build about a week ago, I can’t get it to work, I’m new to this so it’s kinda frustrating, I just wanted to know if micro center would finish my build if I were to bring it in the store, I’m located in New York. Any info would be helpful, thanks
MY Corsair 1000w PSU
I purchased a Corsair 1000w PSU on the hopes i will be able to buy a 3080 card and use it in a new build haven't been able to get a 3080 anywhere and was wondering if I can return the PSU outside of return window (the PSU is still new in sealed box) Store credit or replacing it with a monitor will be perfect for me at this…
No Confirmation Email and No Order History
I just ordered a laptop from Micro Center and I submitted the order. I ended up getting an order number but got no confirmation email. Also, it doesn't show up in my order history. Could anyone help me, please?
How long does diagnosis take?
I left my desktop pc on the 16th of November for a diagnosis but haven't gotten an email about when it will be done or if it has been completed yet.