missing promo code for Black Ops Cold War Standard Ed & 1 Year of Geforce Now
I purchased an Alienware Aurora r11 with a 3080 graphics card. It was supposed to come with Black Ops Cold War Standard Ed & 1 Year of Geforce Now, but there is no promo code on the receipt or in an email.
5600x Stock at Westmont MC
Hey! Just got my b550 board and ram in the mail, pretty excited to be on zen 3. I was wondering how the stock situation is for 5600x's at the Westmont Microcenter. Im not sure if I need to show up as the store opens or if the supply is evening out.
No AMD Rewards code with 5800x purchase?
Does anyone know what's going on with the AMD rewards codes at Microcenter? Last year when I bought a 5700xt and 3600x, it was printed on my receipt. I just bought a 5800x and 3080 yesterday and did not receive any rewards code for the AMD CPU this year, even though there is a promotion running for a free copy of Far Cry…
Hard drive question.
Picked up my kids gaming computer this week. It runs fine but I don’t see the second hard drive that is installed. We got a Samsung ssd drive to boot up computer and a sea gate 2 to hdd drive to run other programs off of. When I go into settings in windows to change where to save items the sea gate drive is not listed just…
3080 psu amount
hello, i am wondering if 600w will be enough for a 3080. I have an Intel-17 9700k, 64 GB of ram, an atx mobo, 512 ssd, and a 2tb hard drive.
Having trouble playing CP2077 with my 3070 Fe
Hello! I just got my 3070 Fe a day ago and I tried running Cyberpunk 2077 and for some reasons FPS dipped to 15-25 and average fps was 30-45. My CPU is Ryzen 7 1800x and I game on 1080p. Can anyone help me with Ideal settings for the game or is my Gpu faulty? Or is it bottlenecking? FYI I played on Raytracing Medium with…
3080 not performing
I've tried everything that everyone has told me and I still cannot figure out my problem with my 3080. My build is a 750watt gold corsair psu, intel i7-10700k, z490 aorus elite ac MB, 32 GB 3600 ram, and a gigbyte aorus master 3080. I've done everything everyone has asked me to try with getting rid of my drivers with DDU,…
Locked out of newly partitioned hard drive
Installed a 970 EVO Plus 1TB hard drive on my laptop upgraded from the factory installed 500GB hard drive. After multiple attempts at formatting and installing the drive as a single unit, it wouldn't utilize the full 1TB unless I partitioned it. So it was partitioned into C, E, and Recovery. All three drives worked fine…
COD: Cold War redemption code
Hello, I just bought a 3090 RTX Suprim X yesterday and I believe I should've received a code to redeem Cold War. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
Winbook TW801 drivers please
Hi I have a Winbook TW801 on the way and I'd like to install win8.1 pro 32bit on it as it's lighter, faster and has a smaller footprint than win10. I was hoping to find the drivers on the site, only to see that I need to contact you for them. Could you please provide a link? Thank you very much. Merry Christmas. 😁
acer predator 300 helios docking station
looking for a dock for my acer predator 300 helios being advised by acer not to buy a usbc connector so im trying to go with a usb 3.0 connection but cant find one that states good for gaming any help?
recommendation on HDMI splitter/extender?
We are looking to purchase a HDMI splitter/extender similar to this one we found on Amazon that takes an HDMI signal and splits it to multiple monitors/TV's over Cat 6 cable, but that one only goes to 165 feet. We need one that goes at least 225 feet and I see single extenders with a 326 foot range, but not one with 4 or…
3080 Promotional Code
I recently purchased an MSI Suprim X 3080 but did not receive the promotional code for Cold War/Geforce Now. Am I missing something?
Call of Duty Cold War Code
Hi, I recently purchased a Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 VISION Overclocked Triple-Fan, and the Call of Duty Cold was not on my receipt.
Replacement motherboard compatibility looking to purchase replacement
Shorted a asrock z370m pro 4 looking for a compatible replacement. My first choice isn't in stock sold out. ASRock X370 Taichi AM4 AMD Promontory X370 SATA 6Gb/s ATX AMD Motherboard I'm looking for a compatible motherboard. Cpu i7 8700k Gpu gtx 1080ti evga Psu 650watts. Looking to purchase asap. Please no 3rd party non…
I am desperately looking for a Ryzen 9 5900x or 5950x.
Is there any way to see a real-time inventory from the Micro Center in my area? I don't think the general inventory on the retail site is accurate, because it was saying they had no stock of RTX3080 gpu's and when I drove up there in person they had like 6 of them in stock. Any advice or help on this y'all?
Reserving Zen 3?
Is there a reason we still can’t reserve these cpus? I was able to reserve another in-demand item, the Dark Hero motherboard fine, but I’m having no luck with Zen 3’s since I can’t get into a store until later in the day due to work. Scalper bots make it impossible to get one online. My local stores in the Chicago area…
Two 8 pin connectors on 3060ti for power
So first build with a graphics card with 2 power plugs (msi 3060ti ventus 2fans). I bought a corsair 750watt from micro center (you can check there website for what plugs and connections it has). It only had one gpu cable that was daisy chained, so I used it to plug in both 8 pin connectors of the graphics card. It just…
Recommendations for PC Build (audio production)
Hey all, I was about to pull the trigger on this Dell XPS 8940, mostly for use as general purpose desktop, along with some audio production work (medium duty, not 100 highly processed tracks of pop music or anything). I'm not doing any gaming. But then I got curious about building a PC, and came up with this list of…
Call of Duty Code Missing
Hello! I bought a ASUS ROG STRIX 3090 yesterday and never received an email with the code for my copy of cold war
AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT Asus ROG Strix vs. Asus TUF GeForce RTX 2060 Gaming OC
Can you please tell me which graphics card is better the AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT Asus ROG Strix OC 8GB or the Asus TUF GeForce RTX 2060 Gaming OC?
Cabling not marked for LANCOOL 215
I have a technical question on the power switch and reset switch cabling for the LAN Cool 215. It does not say on the cable which is positive or negative. In the documentation it shows the cables as black and white, in actuality both are black and there is not + or - on the cable. I tried to contact Lian LI but their…
Unusual situation with Dell support - XPS 15 9500
I have a rather unusual situation here that I am hoping to get a little guidance or maybe another option towards resolution. I was looking for a way to contact customer service directly, but I was unable to find one (or I accidentally overlooked it) so I'm posting here. Long story short, I purchased a Dell XPS 15 9500…
Graphics Card
Something is messing up and it wont post my question i think its because i have a link in it but i saw your response with the benchmarking thing but the 5500 XT didnt look like the one i found the one i found is on newegg and its titled Sapphire - 11295-01-20G - Video Card 11295-01-20G Pulse RX 5500 XT 8GB GDDR6 PCIE…
Connecting a fan to the motherboard
I recently purchased a LIANLI LANCOOL II MESH case and an ASUS TUF GAMING X570 PLUS WIFI motherboard. I am having difficulty attaching the fans in the case to the mother board. This is our first computer build and it looks like a need an additional wire to connect the three fans together and then to the mother board. What…
Bios update
I have a msi z490 gaming plus motherboard (e7c98iz1) on my pre-built pc from microcenter and I can't update the bios can anyone help me with this???
Faulty JoyStick
Hello, Last Friday I purchased a Micro Center 32" Stand Up Arcade Kit - Unassembled When testing it appears with one of the Joysticks has a bad switch OR the USB controller has some poor soldering. Is it possible to get replacement parts?
G706 Fans and BIOS Settings
Hi, everyone! I recently picked up a G706 as my first true gaming rig (previously have always been a laptop user). I'm loving the PC overall but have a few questions regarding the fans and fan settings in the BIOS. I'll separate these out in bullet points below for clarity. * How can I change/see the settings for the…
Wifi 6 and WDS a thing?
Looking to grab a 2nd wifi 6 router (preferably under $100 if possible) to get close to gigabit wired speeds on a media center pc and a few other devices. Far as I can tell there are mesh wifi options but that's a much more expensive rabbit hole than I can get into at this time without my fiance stabbing me (lol?) I've…
BYO Question
Hi! I'm hoping to put together a new rig sometime next year and since I've never built before, I'd rather leave it up to folks that have experience doing it. How does the extended warranty work when having MC build it? I plan to purchase probably every component short of the GPU from MC (if I get the GPU from the…