Need Help Choosing Parts/possibly save money
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=681e0cbe-03d7-49b0-a062-6a12f74aea06
Are These Parts Compatible?
does all this work together? CPU: (1) AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Vermeer 3.8GHz 8-Core AM4 Boxed Processor - Heatsink Not Included ($379.99 EACH) Motherboard: (1) ASUS B550-F ROG Strix Gaming AMD AM4 ATX Motherboard ($189.99 EACH) RAM: (1) Crucial Ballistix Gaming 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-3200 PC4-25600 CL16 Dual Channel Desktop Memory…
guys help me choose parts for my gaming pc 1500$ is my budget
I need help choosing the right things for my first PC.
I wanna use this to game a bit as well as do a bit of 3d Moddeling and Game Deaign. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=ee9ba4d7-99f0-40ae-af39-77867c1502b3
How does my first build look? $2.5k+
-Case NZXT H710i -Motherboard MSI MPG Z490 GAMING EDGE WIFI LGA 1200 -CPU Intel Core i9-10900K 10-Core -Cpu cooler NZXT Kraken X73 RGB 360mm - RL-KRX73-R1 - (A friend said that water should already be in this, not sure if true.) -Ram G.Skill Trident Z RGB 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL16 Memory -Power Corsair RM (2019) 850…
Is there an advantage to using RAM with RGB over RAM that does not have it?
Parts build with as case Swap
First off this is for my new build ( basically I am building a new machine, putting all my original drives in and, and adding a few more then putting new drives in my old machine and giving away. Perfectly serviceable idea. Here's the build:…
Build for 1300 with tax
Hello I'm trying to build a gaming pc with a 3060 and white case and with RGB FANS and RGB ram with 1 TB storage and 16GB of ram. I know that's a lot to ask for but please help its my first build. Even though I know prices of GPUs are high I am willing to buy this pc when GPU prices go down.
Need help! (Aurora R12)
So i ordered the alienware aurora r12 a very basic version, and i really want to expand it's RAM cuz it would probably better the performance? does anyone know which ones i should get, that wouldnt cost me to much? also if i add them on do i have have to do something to the desktop since i would be adding to it or would i…
Need help confirming parts
I'm building a new PC. I expect to use it for light-medium video editing, some photoshop, light gaming, web design, and general home use. I'll also be looking to spin up a VM or two from it to run various tests and tinkering, but the VMs would be shut down when not in active use. Any concerns with this build I've setup? It…
Is this a good build?
Don't need any other parts like monitor, its for gaming, $1250 or so please
Budget gaming PC. Good or bad. Any changes?
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-intel.aspx?load=9b8a8d25-d623-4643-aa0d-8a560ff46d8a
Help choosing parts.
I'm looking to build a pc for myself. My budget is 1500. I play destiny 2 and many other games. But I need help choosing parts.
Looking to build an all around workstation/gaming/streaming and editing pc
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=f9607fc4-8a7c-4ccc-91b2-d62535643358 Was wanting a threadripper build but cost gets a little higher than I am able to afford. So I am trying for ryzen 9 5950X build, here is my configuration so far. I am open to any suggestions or ideas to help improve…
Help Choosing Parts
This discussion was created from comments split from: Besting cheap streaming pc (with WiFi).
Advice for Specs - New Gamer
I am hoping for some expert feedback on a desktop for a gamer just starting out, primarily Roblox and Fortnite. I am not looking to spend a fortune and really would like to stay under $500, even happy to buy a refurbished one if a good one is listed on the site. So please tell me what I need to pay attention to when…
Used $500 1080ti vs New $500 1660S
Here’s the 1080 ti https://www.ebay.com/itm/NVIDIA-AORUS-Xtreme-GeForce-GTX-1080-Ti-11GB-GDDR5X-Graphics-Card-GVN108TAORU-/174846378853?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
Back to school build and some gaming
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=56fb0292-d763-4c72-af41-ecdf960e8d19
Operating system
I've recently been getting into pc building but one thing always confuses me when on this website. Now when you're building a pc you come to the part where it says operating system. Do we have to choose one? I'm seriously lost lol
need help choosing parts
Hey yall, I was recently able to be selected for the Newegg shuffle and was able to buy an MSI 3070 Ti Gaming x Trio. I had an original budget of 2000, but the GPU ended up taking almost half of it. I am willing to push my budget up to a reasonable number like maybe 2400-2500. please check out my configuration and tell me…
I need help making a non-expensive gamin pc (600-500 Budget)
I have been trying to finish it but eveything looks wrong and I need some help
I need help for a 1500 pc build
I want to stream a little, I want to play game like Call of Duty, Dead by Daylight, Minecraft, and some vr games.
How much Radiator do I need for a custom loop?
I am currently running a Ryzen 5800x and a Asus TUF 6900xt OC. I will be doing some overclocking on both components and I have space in my case for either 1x240 and 1x280, or 1 x360. EK does have a block for the GPU.
Case Build Compatibility
Hi everyone. Currently making another PC build here and would like to know if the Lian Li Lancool II Tempered Glass eATX Mesh Mid Tower Computer Case - White is compatible with the parts I am planning to use. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-intel.aspx?load=a7772cbd-1a38-49b6-b986-07d4aa1f7b0f…
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=23d3ac18-6e34-4552-855a-ce011cbf4893
Help with my first PC
I have been refining a list of parts I want for my first PC for a while now, and I am posting it here to see if there are any suggestions anyone would like to make. My budget is $1000 - $1400, but I would like to stay somewhere in the middle of that. I would like to play more shooter/FPS games than my computer can now, and…
Gaming PC parts questions
I build my current rig in 8/12 and my CPU or Mobo recently died, so I am in the market for a few new parts and I can NOT decide on what to go with.... The existing pieces that I will be utilizing.... EVGA 2070 Black, OCC 1250 watt PSU, Cooler Master (CM Storm) Storm Trooper Case, 256 Gig Samsung SSD, 2TB HDD, 2 Samsung…
maybe someone could help?
Ok so I know that this gpu is very old but I want to see if it's still works, does anyone know what motherboard like an old one is compatible with an EVGA e-GeForce 7800 GS? if anyone knows what motherboard is compatible with that can you let me know?
Dad Build?
I am building a machine for my dad. I have an old: Graphic Card: EVGA GTX 660 Power Supply: Corsair C650M I used the customer to see what is available in the store in Denver: and put this together I was planning to re-use his case. Any modifications I should add to make a PC that will last my Dad for the next decade?
My First PC Build
https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=0651126f-15ba-4868-afeb-c17b17090e8f Here's my parts list. My budget is around 2.5k but I've bought a keyboard, mouse and headset outside on Amazon, so my budget is more around 2.3k. I honestly just want a PC that can run most games and maybe support…