Compatible SSD upgrade?
Hello everyone, I recently bought a used HP Pavillion 17G-133CL laptop that came with an older Kingston Digital 240 GB (SV300S37A240G) SSD, but I'd like an upgrade in capacity to store my music. Ideally, I'd like an updated, compatible 500GB SSD in the sub $100 range, but I'm unsure which brand would be best. The current…
$1500 to $1600 build ....
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=2a15c732-80e9-4719-9901-830418dcd419 ..... suggestion on other options or does this look good ..
I need help building a streaming/gaming PC
Hello! I am brand new to building computers and did a little bit of research on what I would need to stream and game on the same pc. Was wondering if this build was suitable. I also would love input on hardrives vs ssd. I also know nothing about computer coolant and which ones work the best. Thank you for your time!…
mini itx gaming / work rig
Hello. I have a price range of around 2 grand. I am completely in love with the nzxt h1 case and I want an rtx 2080 super (if it fits) I'm not very experienced with mini itx systems and im relatively new to building systems as a whole. What would be an awesome build list for this case to have a great gaming system as well…
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-intel.aspx?load=db24de0a-e149-48b3-ad8e-9aed1aba4165
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=93b6f861-d279-4463-8379-4baf45b77a62
Need Help if all parts are good and correct
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice on if of all my parts are compatible with one another, also if this would be a good PC build, I'm young so if anyone can give me pointers on how all parts fit in well together and if these parts hold a specific task in the right way. All I am looking for is…
PC build for games, streaming and pro tools hd(PCIe)
Looking for some advice on first time PC build. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=956670c5-2a61-4d89-a224-f1c5fe76a3e6
New to Building, What should I upgrade or change
Just published and built my PC, been having issues with slow frame rates and rubber banding on games. Do not understand why GPU-Z keeps giving me performance cap errors. Power and Thermal.. * One thing the build profile doesn't describe is there are 7 fans, 3 in front pulling air in, 3 on top venting air, and 1 on the rear…
I’m wondering what’s a good 560$ Gaming pc build
I want a build that’s able to run games well And last me good
First Gaming PC- Need Advice!
Hi everyone, this is my first time building a PC, and I'm not quite sure which parts to get. I want the PC mainly for RPG games like Skyrim, Doom Eternal, Divinity Original Sin etc. that take up a bit of memory. Can you take a look at my build and give suggestions? Or tell me anything I missed? Thanks in advance! -Hannah…
Need Help Choosing Parts For CAD Workstation
Hello, I am building a CAD workstation, and I could use some help. previously I had asked about a different build but decided it would be best to start over. This will mainly be running SolidWorks, which I plan to use for smaller assemblies (likely no more than 50 parts). I will not be doing any FEA Simulations, and little…
Just how powerful is your BUILD interface?
I really admire your drop down fields for hardware components. For an online build (ship parts or assembled) some questions about fitting pieces together in a CUBE or MINI chassis. 1. does in-store only mean these are not eligible for builds and what is the difference then? Why are they on the list? 2. When building a CUBE…
Looking to build my first pc for 500 dollars or buy a prebuilt this is gonna be mainly for warzone
This build will be mostly for warzone willing to spend around 500$ usd or even try a prebuilt FYI my first build
My first build! Any suggestions welcome!
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=e14fb9ad-f70c-45ce-98a1-8448cb7a5f8b
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-asus.aspx?load=d6ca40b6-daec-4395-90ce- in a budget of about 1200-1300
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=4006df9a-066d-4e29-9ec7-9435b9c7ec7d
Current Dream Build
This is the kind of build I wish to build once I get a new job. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=8bf0a17e-5489-4122-84ac-3a17bc20b84a
Potential First Build
Looking for some advice on my part choices. I'm just really looking to build a solid machine to game in 1080 all day with the least amount of fan noise possible. The only aesthetics I care about is cable management, hence the modular power supply other than that, I couldn't care less. This is also my very first build, and…
Need Help Choosing between 2 graphics cards
Hello,I was planning to go today and pickup my parts, but I see that the gigabyte card is out of stock. When I disabled the compatibility filter, I found more cards like the MSI on the list. I'm wondering why the MSI is not compatible with my build. Just to confirm, I'm only getting one card. Thank you…
Machine for some data crunching with golang
Feedback welcome! I have a bunch of stock market data that I would like to analyze in different ways. I have written some programs in python but they run too slow for my ADD. I plan to rewrite in go. 1080 gaming would be fine for me. May do some video editing so may need to upgrade graphics card later but this build should…
Is everything here compatible? Best I can do within my budget?
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. I'd like to keep it around $900, but can do $1000 if it will make a big difference. Not doing any streaming or editing, just gaming. Any advice will be awesome. THANKS!…
GPU conflict?
For my GPU (MSI - GeForce RTX 2070 Ventus), the tool tip says that it might run into some compatibility issues but when I double checked on PCpartpicker, it says everything looks fine. Which one is the correct advice? Also if it really is not compatible, what is another alternative that I should use that is in similar…
Dual system for the Phantek p600s
I figured out the case can handle dual system. just wondering if i need to change anything. this is my first and i plan on live streaming and play games on it. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=c326d7ca-b945-4c3f-84c6-401d7a862b37
pls help looking at parts
I'm looking at the compatibility of these parts and I'm looking if I can shorten the price down a little https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=ed37494b-6549-463e-a568-97ab38289671
Amateur Build Question
Sorry for such a noob question folks. But when I start my build, I know I can plan everything out strategically but what about wires and cables? Is this something I just go get once I have everything in place or should I know these things (which I don’t) before I start building? I see nice braided or RGB ones on other…
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=6a6900cb-9244-4dae-8f07-06def038c384
Is it too much?
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. I want to show my kids how to put together a PC and have a little fun with it. We will be using the system for video editing and some gaming, though most of the time it will be my son's workstation for remote learning. I was hoping to get the price down a bit…
Need Help Choosing Parts
I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice. https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder-amd.aspx?load=f35982d4-027d-4e09-8b3c-626f982f4d81 will these parts be compatible?
can you put a dual system Phantek p600s?
So I have all the parts I want for one system, but I was planning to live stream on twitch. If its possible what do I need to get to make it possible? and is it worth it? (reminder I am a beginner in building a gaming pc and its my first pc) here's my current…