Looking for 20-30 inch touch screen monitors
If available, I want run apple Apps on the large touch screen. Is there an option?
Mobile Phone Number Not Major Carrier?
Okay I've had this problem in store for a while now. I've had my phone number for over 2 decades. It was a landline with one of the bigger Baby Bells that got split off when AT&T got hit by the big monopoly hammer. It is currently with T-Mobile, but as been used with AT&T Wireless, Sprint and Verizon prior to this. I'm not…
Sound Options
Help with connecting a pair of powered studio monitors to new PC. Monitors need either a unbalanced RCA or a stereo 1/4" jack input. Computer has Motherboard audio outputs. Do I need a sound card or just make a cable to interface?
Why is my M-Flash not detecting a file? (MSI B360-A PRO)
I am trying to update my MSI BIOS (B360-A PRO) and the file is not being read when I attempt an m-flash update. I have read forums and have conducted countless experiments for hours and have found no solution. Just looking for help; I am becoming hopeless. I have an 8GB USB that I've been using: I have tried FAT32 and…
GPU power help!
Hello I recently picked up a AMD Radeon RX 6700XT GPU and it has two 8 pin PCIE ports my Question is my power supply has two 8 pin pcie connectors can I plug in those two connectors into the GPU? I don’t want to hurt anything on my pc thank you
Powerspec B728 upgraded to Win 10; Integrated Media Card Reader - 4 in 1 not showing
I came across some SD cards I had not looked at in a while, probably a year or more. When I bought the Powerspec B728 in April 2018 I was attracted by it was Win 7 Pro and upgradeable to Win 10. The Integrated Media Card Reader - 4 in 1 worked under Win 7 and the cards could be read. I upgraded successfully to Win 10 in…
NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX 4060 makes 1080p Gaming Even More Affordable!
Written by Sean Mekinda The brand-new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 is out now! The RTX 4060 is designed for 1080p gaming and comes jam-packed with all the improvements and upgrades you've come to expect from the NVIDIA 40 Series, like DLSS 3 and Frame-Generation Technology! The GeForce RTX 4060 is launching for less than its…
Build service quote question - special requests
I have these parts, I tried sharing the link but getting a JS/ad blocker error, so please let me know if the list is not accessible. I would like to do the build service through Micro Center. I would be buying a new case, CPU, RAM, motherboard, AIO Liquid cooling kit. I would like to bring my current computer so that parts…
Need help choosing parts
First time building a computer. Have I made any mistakes here? microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=7abcf9e5-a118-4b6a-ba81-dd917614df3a The goals here are to dual boot off of 2 separate drives with plenty of storage (I run out on my current laptop and have close to 8tb in stored files in externals), be…
How long is the usual wait time for a custom pc to be built?
I put in an order Sunday evening and got confirmation the following morning and was wondering when I should expect to pick up my order.
Build of the Week 6/23 - 6/29
Every week, we choose some of our favorite builds submitted to our Build Showcase, with one very talented builder getting highlighted as our Community Build of the Week and also getting an exclusive Micro Center T-Shirt! This week's Community build is: Personal Gaming PC Created by Brandan F Chosen by @w8deywins Greetings…
Is this GPU & CPU not compatible in this pre built? AMD 4 Board w/ AMD 5 Chip
Am I missing something? Is this GPU & CPU not compatible?
Why aren’t my fans spinning?
I have a Montech X1 and I’m using the case fans that come with it. I have them all connected with a daisy chain and I’ve connected them to a molex cable. They don’t spin and they don’t light up either. Can someone help me fix it?
Microcenter.com blocking my public IP?
All was fine until I built a new computer and installed 2 NIC's in it. Now microcenter.com states my external IP ( has been blocked. Can someone @MicroCenterOfficial white list me. I dont have a bot on my network, not doing anything nefarious, lol, just trying to check pricing on additional unifi products I…
Pc powering off
I recently upgraded my pc from am4 to am5 I currently have a ryzen 7 7800x3d on a gigabyte b650 aorus elite with a 6950xt, 1000evga psu, kraken z73. I have swapped every part besides my gpu. After about an hour to 2 hours my pc will just shut off with no warning screens. I’ve tried it with xmp on and off same with pbo. I…
Pc worked fine at micro center but won't boot up at my house.
First, let me start off by saying I've never been this type of person. I don't leave reviews and I'm not one to be critical but this has me very upset. I went into microcenter about 2 months ago to get my CPU looked at. It was running funny and acting off, so i figured i get it looked at. I did build this CPU myself and…
Mesh Wifi
I have a dual band (2,4Ghz and 5Ghz) wifi router (new service). Almost none of my AI device work now and I cannot move then beyond 30 inches (power supply). So, my question is, Can I daisy chain a different 2.4 Ghz router off of my modem and temporarily turn off the dual band until I get al the items reconnected? I think I…
Unleashing the Power of 3D Printing: STL File Customization
In recent years, 3D printing technology has emerged as a transformative force across various sectors, from manufacturing and healthcare to design, education, and beyond. The ability to create complex three-dimensional objects layer by layer from digital models empowers professionals and hobbyists alike, fostering…
Why does my computer not boot into windows on the first boot?
My powerspec G509 started not booting into windows on the first try. If I boot, the lights come on but nothing, and then I have to hold down the power button until it turns off and then it boots normally on the second time. What caused this and how can I fix it? Thanks
Help Setting up Network Drive
Hello, My job is getting rid of the shared network drive and moving everything to the cloud but I operate a museum database and want to keep running it on a network drive. The cloud version of my program has an annual cost of around $2000+ and the computer/network-based program has no annual cost. I am thinking of getting…
Powerspec B734 gets hung up on PowerSpec splash screen when trying to boot to bios/uefi
I have been working to configure several brand new Powerspec B734 pcs for my employer. When I try to get to Bios on any of the PC's the computer instead gets hung up on the PowerSPec splash screen and won't move any further. When I don't attempt to enter bios, the computer is able to properly boot to windows. Does anybody…
Want upgrade my motherboard any recomendations?
Hello, I have ATX Midtower PC with HP 802F PCI Express 3.0 (8.0 GT/s) motherboard, processor i7 6th Gen, I'd like to upgrade my motherboard to gaming motherboard, any recommendations? Budget $200-300 Thank you,
Open box beat fit pros
Bought a pair of best fit pros open box. Product looked decently used and came with a micro USB cord instead of USB C, also missing the ear plugs. I get it's open box but when product items are missing or straight up wrong, is this returnable?
Need help getting receipt
I bought a large list of parts to build my first computer on December 29th 2022 at the Columbus Microcenter. I have looked for the receipt both in person and online using the order history site function and I am unable to find the receipt. The parts list included (I dont't know exactly but these parts are 100% on the…
MSI Pro B650-p motherboard WITH GSkill MB750G powersupply
Just bought the MSI B650 motherboard and the GSkill MB750G powersupply. I find I am unable to connect them. The problem is the cable from the power supply to the motherboard. The "CPU" power supply cable is 2x4 on the power supply side. No problem . On the motherboard side of that cable, I expected to find a matching 2x4…
Upgrade 8+ year old gaming desktop
Hello all, My budget is around $500-750 to upgrade the gaming desktop that I had built 8+ years ago; currently playing Insurgency Sandstorm, Star wars battlefront II, Hitman 4 and looking to play Six Days in Fallujah. Able to run these games with some minor issues such as slow performance and lag on most maps while gaming…
i cant get my new XD5 to work...
i recently purchased my corsair XD5 pump/reservoir from microcenter and plugged it in to the commander pro the way the manual and youtube video showed, but the pump wont run.... i still have my receipt but not the box... if the pump is in fact faulty can i still get a replacement for the part because tonight I'm swapping…
The Ryzen 5 5600x Bios for Gigabytes B450M DS3H WIFI motherboard
Pc Part Picker shows that the Ryzen 5 5600x requires Bios F61 for Gigabytes B450M DS3H WIFI motherboard and on Gigabytes website all it shows is Bios FB and FA. So two questions. Do I download and flash one of the two F bios or does the B450M already come with the correct bios and Pc Part Picker just hasn't updated it yet?…
I Can't Read My Diablo IV Code
On 06/02/2023 at 4:23 PM I bought a new PC build with an RTX 4070. I recived a recipt with the code for Diablo IV on it, but I can't read it because the recipt machine had low ink. Is there any way I can pull a digital recipt with my code on it. Anything helps, thank you!