electronic receipt copy
Good morning, on November 2, 2020, we purchased an HP P102F laptop, could you please send us an electronic copy of the receipt for that purchase. Thanks
Help Powerspec B745
Just Picked up a powerspec B745 and installed 2 Drives 12TB, and 14TB, lots of data to store- Almost ready to button this up BUT I am not sure if I got the drive holder in properly or backward, if it is in correctly then I probably need right angle power cables, as there is a cover that goes over this, which might not work…
Best day(s) for 3080 deliveries in Houston?
I'm not asking for a date certain when they will arrive--I realize it is unpredictable. I'm willing to wait in line. But I live a distance away with young kids, getting away is tough, and it would be good to speak to someone in the Houston store who could give me their guess on which days I might have a better shot (like,…
Powerspec G464 Crashing
I'm having issues with my PC for a couple of months now. All of my displays just turned off and the GPU fans slowed down initially but now I'm seeing artifacts on all of my screens while playing games. The games with the most issues are Cyberpunk and Dota 2. The computer is well cooled and the vitals usually look fine, I…
Do you price match from manufacturer website?
Hello, I wanted to know if you price matched from wyze.com website? It's for the Wzye Cam V3 camera, it does say in your price match policy that you do price match from manufacturer, so just wanted to make sure. Also do you match price if we wanted to order online and pick up in store?
unable to download games to hard drive
My son is having issues with his gaming PC -- he says he has allocated his hard drive, but he can't download games onto it. He is only able to use his SSD, and now it is maxed out. How can we get his hard drive into the game? :)
Adding RAM to G436
I have the G436 (32 GB RAM) and am considering adding another 32 GB and would like to know if these Neo Forza Mars are compatible with the stock Neo Forza Faye? The specs appear to be identical and I likely wouldn't hesitate except that one of the reviews posted on this page indicated that they didn't match up well with…
Creality Ender 3 V2 has major issue with motherboard
I just got an Ender 3 V2 on 2/20/21 in the Overland Park store. It is defective, and seems to require a new motherboard. Unit will work fine for a short time - but then fails, and continues to fail. I live 3 hours away from store. Is only option to walk it back in? It sounds like I need a new motherboard - does MC have…
RTX 30XX Online Orders
Sorry if this has already been addressed... Why are you not allowing online orders for the RTX 30 cards? It seems like it would be much safer and more efficient to load the stock online each day they deliver, and allow online pickup orders, rather than having people line up each day in the hopes of just MAYBE getting a…
Do You Prefer Raised Keys or Inset Keys on your Keyboard?
More and more keyboards are raising their keys, giving them a gap between the base and keys, so they end up looking something like this: But of course, the old standby is there for a reason: Keys tucked away nicely, looking sleek and inset. What's your preference?
Using 4 sticks of RAM
I recently upgraded my computer's GPU and CPU with no issues. I noticed that my RAM was hitting max usages of 90%+ most nights of gaming/streaming. So, I bought x2 additional sticks of the same 8gb sticks that I have been using for years. Upgrading from 16gb to 32gb. When I insert the x2 new sticks, my motherboard has an…
Oculus Experts LIVE!
Fan Issue
Good morning. I received an Asus Vivobook Flip for Christmas. Yesterday, my laptop's fan stopped working. I contacted Asus. They said that I needed to contact the seller for a replacement.
Lian Li 600mm USB 3.1 Cable ASRock B550 pro4
I purchased this motherboard and this cable to install on the Lancool 2 white mesh case but I dont see a connector on the motherboard for this cable. Am I missing something or is it not compatible?
Cooler Suggestions
I am ordering pc build and would like to know what cooler I should get. I was thinking about getting a Deepcool Assasin 3 but I don't know if it will fit this build: https://www.microcenter.com/site/content/custom-pc-builder.aspx?load=d63ccecf-bf19-4ee1-997f-b10f8d350992
Do you ship?
So i am from the Netherlands and i really wanna build a pc but the parts over here are VERY overpriced. So i was wondering if you guys do shipping to other countries or not?
Just want a 1660 super or ti
Been trying to get my hands on a GTX 1660 super for a while now, with no luck. I'm just building a mid-range gaming PC for my first ever build. What's the best way to go about this? I contacted the Tustin store but didn't get any good advice other than to check the website for stock updates. I don't live close by, so I'm…
trying to register eset. can put in U.S. but then it won't let me put in the state. Have tried everything I can think of. I hate this.
Question about case and video card
Im new to PC and never have built one before so sorry if i don't make any sense. So the other day i bought a case the NZXT H510 Elite and was told I could only fit dual-fan into the case but I've been watching videos and people have been putting in 3 fan video cards in that are bigger than what the guy told me i could use.…
Pc shuts off Warzone
I recently build a pc about 1 month ago with the components listed below. Was working great then there was a Call of Duty update and PC started shutting down randomly at different times during the game. New game update comes out, work fine for about 1 week. Another game update came up about 1 week ago and now I cant even…
PC Case that has a door for a DVD drive
Are there any PC cases that have a door for the DVD drive/writer? I'm building a PC for my wife and she wants to read and write Blu-Ray discs.
need help finding part
I am attempting to upgrade my internal hard drive on a dell latitude 5591. The hard disk interface type is a 2.5", SATA Rev 3.0 with backward compatibility. I see that these Western Digital "blue" and "red" models with 1 TB and 500 GB respectively are highly rated online (2.5 Inch – Western Digital Blue WD10SPZX or…
Tell us about your most recent build!
A while back, we asked about your first ever build. Well, as BYO month comes to a close, we want to hear all about your most recent build! What have you put into it? What are you hoping to do with it? We wanna know about it!
Easy Anti-Cheat
New Build - Everything Running Stable except... Any game that has 'Easy Anti-Cheat' enabled on it. This is causing my computer to reboot (i.e. Load Game, Black Screen, Back to the Mobo Logo and Window's reloads to login. I'm getting this issue in Apex Legends through Origin store and Halo through XBox GamePass. I'm able to…
Waiting list?
Looking for some clarification on your waiting list process. As I understand it between 7-9am the wait list opens, we visit website, get on list and then will be texted when its our turn to go into store and shop. The question I have is around product availability. Certain things are hard to come by at the moment so how…
New PC case fans vibrating
Hi guys, a few days ago I bought a custom built PC from Microcenter. Runs all games great and stays cool; however there is one annoying issue. One of the front case fans seems to be making a vibrating noise. This noise is the same whether I'm idle or playing an intensive game. So if I brought the PC back is it possible the…
PC Build In Progress But Stuck
I wanted to know if I brought in my build to the store would a tech be able to help me wire it up. I have a ll the components but don't know how to hook everything up and need a professional to show me how to do it so I can properly adjust it in the future. I really don't want my ignorance to ruin my first custom build.…
Dallas Acer Predator X35 restock?
Any idea when Dallas will restock the Acer Predator X35? It's one of the only stores in the country that doesn't have any in stock.
New G467 - LAN / Ethernet Port not functioning
I've had this new G467 for about a month. The LAN port is not working. I've got a work around in that I can plug the ethernet cable into a ethernet-to-usb dongle and have full internet capability. Is there something I should try at home, or is it better to take the computer to the local MicroCenter facility for diagnosis?…
Desktop Video Editing Computer?
I would like some recommendations on a Desktop Video Editing Computer. I do not game, but I would like to edit GoPro9 videos that I take in 4K and have a dual screen setup. Which computers can you recommend for these need at around $1k? Thank you.