Poor audio quality through 3.5mm jack?
I recently purchased a HyperX QuadCast S usb microphone as an upgrade from my old Bluetooth headset mic. For those unfamiliar, this mic has a built-in audio jack for your headphones that provides mic monitoring. I noticed in doing so my audio quality dropped dramatically compared to using my usb headset. All highs and lows…
sudden black screen, repeatedly; now left with little square
Using Word today and suddenly it went to black screen with a little, white 1.5" x 1" rectangle in the middle that looked kind of like a QR code. Then I saw a white border line at the lower left margin and bottom left margin. Then the computer restarted. Upon restart, now I'm left with what looks like screen damage -- a…
AMD 7000 or Waiting For 13th Gen?
Anyone gunning for the new 7000 series launch today or are you watching the Intel 13th gen conference on AMD's launch day. 😏
Is there a power bank for a laptop which does not require a plug?
I have a MS Surface laptop. I plan to travel to Turkey for only a few days. I do not want to plug the computer in or use a transformer. Does anyone know if a laptop powerbank can be purchased that will work for a few days?
Will Microcenter have stock of the ryzen 7000 cpu's when they release tomorrow?
I want to pick up a new cpu tomorrow morning right when microcenter opens but I do not want to drive an hour just to learn they wont have any in stock. I can't find any conformation that Microcenter will have stock on hand so I was hoping someone here could answer me. Thanks
Need help: Computer completely shut down during game, won't start back up
I was in the middle of a game when my monitors went black. Audio was still going for a few seconds, then everything went silent. My case fans stopped, but the fans' RGB was still on. I shut everything down and turned off the power supply for a few seconds, but when I attempted to turn the system back on, the only thing…
Laptop fan question
Intel, i7, 16gigs of Ram. Should the fan be running all the time with nothing running in the background and computer idle on home screen or any other screen? Only thing I installed is Bitdefender Total Security. Fan never shuts off. It is not on my lap, I have it on a flat surface on my lap with the screen tilted and a…
Is the deal for the Ender 3 V2 still around? The $100 coupon?
Take a look at the New RTX 4090's from their AIB partners
Here's a few links and inside looks at the AIB partners and their new RTX 4090 cards Asus: Here's their reveal video from Twitch Gigabyte: MSI: Zotac: https://www.zotac.com/us/news/zotac-gaming-announces-geforce-rtx-40-series-powered-next-generation-gpu-architecture
Someone opened Service Ticket under my email
Hi - I just received a service ticket at my registered email for MicroCenter. I did not drop anything off at Service, I'm not even at Micro Center and haven't been there since last week. Looks like someone did it under my email. Do you need the service ticket #?
Having Microcenter build a PC
My brothers and sisters and I want to have a PC built for our fathers' birthday. All parts will be bought from Microcenter and built by them, but I already have a Windows 11 OS disk that was never used. Will microcenter install the windows os if I I pay for a tier 2 build or do I have to buy Window all over again?
$100 off 3D printer coupon
I made a micro center account this morning because I plan on buying a 3d printer and I was told about the coupon I confirmed my email and everything but I still haven’t gotten my confirmation text with coupon code Im not sure what the issue is but I would like for it to be resolved before your generous offer is…
Inland Premium 2TB firmware update?
MicroCenter, I can't seem to find any firmware update section of your web server, or specifically for the Inland Premium 2TB NVMe, but looking around the 'net I see there are some for the Phison E12 controller that this device with your name on it has. Would you please point me to the proper place for controller firmware…
I'm unable to locate my quicken data file after a recent data migration, any suggestions?
Just put together a brand new build with a used gpu underpreforming like crazy SOS
I have a rx6800 with a i7 12700k and a z690 gaming X ddr4. I got done building the PC yesterday and noticed that all of my core clocks would jump from 500 to 4800 after moving my mouse and when I stop moving my mouse it would go back to normal, this is horrible for games and makes them unplayable. Also I am only getting…
building my first gaming pc and need some advice
im making my first pc build and this is what i came up with, would this work well together or is there anything i should change. I already have the gpu i just need to buy everything else, one of my concerns is that the case might not be big enough any help would be greatly appreciated im a noob when it comes to this stuff.…
Will a nzxt kraken z63 fit top mounted with vengeance lpx
I have a 4000x case with a tuf gaming x570 mobo and I had trouble fitting my vengeance elite rgb and was wondering if the lpx being low profile would fix this problem
How often are cases resupplied?
I want a Corsair 4000D case for the build that I'm doing tomorrow but they're out of stock right now. How often are they resupplied?
PowerSpec G464 rebooting randomly
Hi. I just purchased a PowerSpec G464 system a couple of days ago and it is rebooting for no reason and randomly. Sometimes its during gameplay (wow classic, not the most intensive) and sometimes while looking at YouTube over Chrome and sometimes just clicking around windows. Also, I did some investigating and it looks…
How do I get my WiFi and Ethernet recognized by B550 Plus WiFi II to work?
Just put this together and put a Tuf Gaming B550 Plus WiFi 2 IN A X3 MESH version case.
Question on ordering custom PC through Micro Center
Hello, I would like to build a PC through your "PC BUILDER", but the case I want to use is not listed on your site. If I purchase all the parts through Micro Center and bring my own case (HYTE REVOLT 3), will they be able to build it for me with that case? thanks, bp
New PC will not post
Hello, just put together a Z690 w/ 12700k, RM850, 3070 Ti, 5600Mhz Dominator DDR5. pc will not post. Cannot get into BIOS. Asus Maximus Hero Z690. Followed the instructions multiple times to update bios using flashback. BIOS light indicates it successfully updated. Same results. Tried reseating everything. Seems like an…
I built my new PC, but cannot access my BIOS
I know the steps to follow to get to the BIOS but when I follow them I am met with a black screen that will only let me out of it by turning off my PC. How am I able to fix this issue?
Computer keeps randomly shutting off.
I recently built a computer with parts I ordered from Amazon, and it always shuts down and restarts at least 3 times per game of Valorant or CS randomly. Even while trying to cleanly reinstall windows with a USB, it woudl restart while I was trying to hook it up to wifi, create a user and a password, etc. It only shuts…
how do i reset a inland omk-x keyboard to factory settings
i lost the manual to an inland keyboard and need to reset it after spilling water on it causing it to make a macro that makes it unusable. if anyone knows where to find the manual, I would appreciate it. the keyboard is the one for the application. Micro Center - 986885 Inland OMK-X Utility
Brand new monitor is half dim and half super bright
I purchased a Acer KA222Q monitor a few days ago and when I plugged it in to my pc(second monitor) half of the screen was dim and the other half was very bright, I couldn’t find any help on the internet and I really hope I don’t have to buy a new monitor. Please Help!
Is this a "bad" new drive or am I doing something completely wrong?
Yesterday, I bought a new Seagate 4 GB barracuda drive (Invoice 141-PO-16235915) for installation in my home linux server. It is the first bigger than 2 GB drive I've worked with. I installed it in an external SATA enclosure. It shows that available space is only 1.64 TiB (according to gparted.) I have looked at this in…
Gigabyte Wifi help
New computer build with mother board X570s aorus elite ax with f4 bios. machine is up and running with no issues except no available wifi. no hardware showing up looking for some help
MicroCenter lost my sale
Had a reserved order yesterday. Went down to pick it up and unfortunately because the website errored they would not honor the sale. Went online and actually found some better deals, so MicroCenter lost my sale.
I keep getting black screen while trying to download windows.
I built my PC 3 months ago and it worked fine till last week. I tried to boot and the MSI boot screen showed but then it went black (monitor showed no signal). I tried to clean install windows again but every time it would go past the windows install and crash while setting up or when the message "getting windows ready…